- 2018-03-15 国际之声
文化遗产与可持续发展ICHHTO&ICOMOS-CIAV2018年10月1-3日伊朗,大不里士由国际古迹遗址理事会乡土建筑科学委员会(ICOMOS-CIAV)和伊朗文化遗产、手工艺及旅游组织(ICHHTO)联合主办的2018年ICOMOS乡土建筑科学委员会年会将于今年10月1-3日在伊朗大不里士召开。今年的主题是:文化遗产与可持续发展。征稿现已启动,投稿详情请见会议征稿:2018年ICOMOS乡土建筑科学委员会年会将于10月在伊朗召开 摘要截止日期:2018年4月22日英文版CIAV – 2018Cultural Heritage and Sustainable DevelopmentOctober 1-3, 2018Tabriz, IRANORGANIZED BY:ICHHTOThe Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts & Tourism OrganizationICOMOS - CIAVThe International Sceintific Committee on Vernacular ArchitectureINVITATION:The International Sceintific Committee on Vernacular Architecture (ICOMOS-CIAV) and the Iranian Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization (ICHHTO) are pleased to announce that call for paper is now open for CIAV conference 2018 that will take place in Tabirz, IRAN, from 1st to 3rd October 2018, on the theme of “Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development”. Abstracts should be submitted through this address (ciavtabriz2018@gmail.com) no later than April 22, 2018.The Abstract should include:- Title of paper- Name of the author/authors- Institution- Contact information (email, telephone)- Theme- Keywords- Abstract (maximum of 300 words)All papers must be written in English and presented in English or Persian (with similtanuous translation).MAIN THEME & Sub-themes:The main theme of the conference is “Cultural Heritage and Sustainbale Development”. The following sub-themes shall assist in exploring and challenging of the above main theme:- Theme 1: Conservation of cultural heritage as a driver for sustainable development- Theme 2: Vernacular built heritage of Tabriz, Iran and the Middle East;- Theme 3: Vernacular built heritage and sustainability- Theme 4: Case studiesKEY DATES:- April 22: Abstract submission- May 12: Abstract acceptance- May 22: Registration for presenters- July 30: Submission of full papers- August 30: Submission of PowerPoint presentation
- 2018-02-27 国际之声
会议征稿:考古遗产管理科学委员会2018年年会 ----发现西西里的Argimusco高地,遗产管理的整体分析10月25-28日意大利,西西里岛, 蒙塔尔巴诺-埃利科纳里今年是欧洲遗产年,国际古迹遗址理事会考古遗产管理科学委员会(ICAHM)2018年的年会将于10月25日-28日在意大利西西里岛的中世纪城堡蒙塔尔巴诺-埃利科纳里举行。此次年会将围绕考古遗产管理的六个方面展开讨论:社区参与、气候变化、遗产与旅游、(遗产)无创检测技术、考古天文学、以及非洲倡议的延续开展。大会现已开放征稿,投稿方式详见:会议征稿:考古遗产管理科学委员会2018年年会 投稿截止日期:2018年5月1日------------------------英文版 ------------------------Call for Papers2018 ICAHM Annual MeetingDiscover Sicily’s Argimusco – a Holistic Approach to Heritage Management25 – 28 October, Montalbano Elicona, Sicily, ItalyIn the European Year of Cultural Heritage, the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee for Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM) is happy to announce that the 2018 ICAHM Annual Meeting, will take place in the spectacular Medieval castle of Montalbano Elicona (province of Messina, Sicily, Italy), in cooperation with the Municipality of Montalbano Elicona and under the patronage of ICOMOS Italy.Please find attached the Call for Papers. In 6 themes we will discuss different approaches to archaeological heritage management: Community Engagement; Climate Change; Tourism and heritage; Non-Invasive Technologies; Archaeoastronomy; Continuing the Africa Initiative.For more information and to register for the conference please visit our conference website: http://icahm.icomos.org/2018-icahm-annual-meeting-sicily/We hope to welcome you in Montalbano Elicona in October!The Organizing Committee
- 2018-02-27 国际之声
Call for Papers:International Symposium for the Conservation, Research and Sustainable Development o
Dates: Oct 10 to 14, 2018Place: Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian, BeijingDeadline for abstract: May 1, 20182018 is a year to commemorate the 100th anniversary of discovering Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian, also a year to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Zhoukoudian Museum. You are cordially invited to submit research papers for presentation at our conference, which will take place in Beijing from the 10th to the 14th of October 2018. The conference, entitled "International Symposium for the Conservation, Research and Sustainable Development of Pre-Historic Heritage” at Zhoukoudian Site, is jointly organized by the Museum of Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian, Zhoukoudian International Paleoanthropological Research Center at the CAS Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, ICOMOS China and National Heritage Center of Tsinghua University.I. Themes 1) Conservation, management, interpretation and presentation of cultural heritage: discussion on the conservation, management and presentation of pre-historic archaeological sites, museums and World Heritage. 2) Study on anthropogenesis: discussion on research theories and methods of anthropogenesis, and pre-historic archaeological sites. 3) Pre-historic archaeological sites and digitization, science and technology innovation: discussion on digitization, Use of new technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) for the conservation of archaeological sites as well as museum exhibition design. 4) Conservation of pre-historic archaeological sites and public engagement, culture-based local tourism, sustainable development: discussion on how to arouse public enthusiasm and participation in human evolution research and pre-historic archaeological sites, in order to align display of pre-historic archaeological sites with culture-based local tourism and sustainable development policies.II. Keywordspre-historic archaeological sites, World Heritage conservation and management, museum exhibition design, anthropogenesis, use of digitalization, public participation, cultural tourism, sustainable development at heritage sitesIII. Conference Agenda Oct 10, 2018 Registration Oct 11-14, 2018 Sessions and site visits Oct 14, 2018 ClosingIV. Guideline for submissionsWe accept unpublished research papers and posters relevant to the above topics.1. Important Dates May 1: Submission of abstract or poster proposala maximum of 250 words in English May 31: Notification of acceptance of abstract or poster proposal August 1: Submission of full paper or poster for papers: do not exceed 5,000 words in English; for posters: do not exceed 4 boards in A0 size) August 31: Notification of acceptance of papers or postersAll accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings.2. Content and FormatSubmissions should be sent via email attachment in MS Word to zkdgjhy2018@163.com. Abstract should include title, theme, author(s) short bio, email and the abstract; Papers should be compiled in the following order: title theme brief description of the author(s) email address abstract keywords full text annotation and referencesPlease use in-text citation or footnotes for references. In-text citation should be placed in parenthesis with author(s), year of publication, and page numbers; footnotes should be placed in the end of each page in the same format without parenthesis. Any entry of bibliography at the end of paper should be in format as: author(s), year of publication, title of book (or paper), publisher (or journal/periodical), and place of publication. References should be sorted in alphabetic order.Costs for one author of each accepted piece of work including meals and accommodation will be afforded by the organizers.
- 2018-01-08 国际之声
- 2017-09-15 国际之声
ICOFORT Rio 2017International Meeting on Fortifications And Military Heritage6 – 8 November 2017Rio de Janeiro, BrazilOn behalf of ICOFORT Brazil we are extending you a cordial invitation to participate in the International Meeting of Fortifications and Military Heritage – ICOFORT Rio 2017. The event will aim to discuss experiences and academic research in the areas of management, innovation, memory, conservation and tourist-cultural use of fortifications. Also, a Round Table will take place during the event on theICOFORT Charter on Fortifications and related heritage; guidelines for protection, conservation and interpretation.Persons interested in participating should send their abstractsdirectly to this e-mail addressno later than30 September 2017.Given the short time between this announcement and the event, the final works, which will be part of a publication produced by the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, could be send after the event, until 31 January 2018.The event is been organized by ICOFORT and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro with support from ICOMOS Brazil, The Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Federal University of Pernambuco, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Federal University of Pará and Federal University of Bahia.For more information, please visit:https://www.icofortbrasil.org/english
- 2017-07-28 国际之声
第18届ICCROM国际“木材保护技术”专题培训班(ICWCT 2018)将于明年4月启动
The 18th International Course on Wood Conservation Technology (ICWCT 2018)A course on the conservation of cultural heritage made of woodThe course is divided in two main parts:On-line distance learning: 9 April – 11 May 2018Workshop in Oslo:4 – 29 June 2018Workshop location:Oslo, Norway (premises of Riksantikvaren – The Directorate for Cultural Heritage)Background and ContentThe ICWCT was initiated as a response to a recommendation at UNESCO’s General Conference in 1980, and has been organized in Norway every second year since 1984. It is directed towards professionals who have been working for some years within the field of wood conservation. The ICWCT covers a wide range of interdisciplinary topics relating to both buildings and objects made of wood. Theoretical and practical aspects of wood conservation are given equal consideration. Interesting cultural heritage sites constructed in wood will be visited during the course.The course programmeFor the first time, the ICWCT 2018 course programme will be divided into two main components: A 5-week compulsory on-line introductory section where participants will have access to a digital platform from their respective home countries. Allow for at least 5 hours per week of interactive preparatory study with various exercises and papers to be submitted. A 4-week full-time workshop in Oslo. The workshop includes lectures, practical conservation exercises, field studies, museum visits and excursions.The curriculum includes distinct but interconnected units covering aspects of: properties of wood; factors affecting the decay of wood; principles of conservation, preventive conservation; conservation of objects and painted surfaces, archaeological wood and furniture; conservation of wooden buildings and structures., including wood working tools and machinery. The course will include an onsite practical workshop and a study tour to selected wooden heritage sites in Norway. As a part of the programme, each participant is expected to give a 20-minute presentation from his or her work experience in their own country.ApplicationsPlease fill theICCROM application formand send it together with the documents listed below to the following e-mail:wood2018@iccrom.org. A full professional curriculum vitae (in English) A one-page report describing a conservation project related to wood for which you are or have been actively involved, and which can be shared with the other participants.For further information regarding the course, please contact:Ms. Anne Nyhamar (The Directorate for Cultural Heritage), e-mail:anne.nyhamar@ra.noApplication deadlineApplications should reach ICCROM by30 September 2017to ensure inclusion in our selection process.For more information, please visit:http://www.iccrom.org/wood-conservation-technology-icwct-2018/
- 2017-07-21 国际之声
digital cultural heritage: FUTURE VISIONS2017 LONDON13-15th November 2017Hosted at UCL’s Bartlett Real Estate Institute, London and supported by the Architecture Theory Criticism History (ATCH) Research Centre at the School of Architecture, The University of Queensland.Conference themeInnovative new data collection and digital visualisation techniques can capture and share historic artefacts, places and practices faster, in greater detail and amongst a wider community than ever before. Creative virtual environments that provide interactive interpretations of place, archives enriched with digital film and audio recordings, histories augmented by crowd-sourced data all have the potential to engage new audiences, engender alternative meanings and enhance current management practices. At a less tangible level, new technologies can also contribute to debates about societal relationships with the historical past, contemporary present and possible futures, as well as drive questions about authenticity, integrity, authorship and the democratisation of heritage.Yet for many, gaps still exist between these evolving technologies and their application in everyday heritage practice. Following the success of a sister conference in Brisbane, Australia in April, this symposium will focus on the emerging disciplines of digital cultural heritage and the established practice of heritage management, providing a platform for critical debate between those developing and applying innovative digital technology, and those seeking to integrated best practice into the preservation, presentation and sustainable management of cultural heritage. Confirmed keynote speakers include Professor Sarah Kenderdine (EPFL, Switzerland) and Professor Andong Lu (Nanjing University, China).Call for papersThis symposium is designed to encourage critical debate across a wide range of heritage-related disciplines. We welcome papers from practitioners and academics working in cultural heritage and related fields such as architecture, anthropology, archaeology, geography, media studies, museum studies and tourism. We particularly encourage papers that explore the challenges of digitising tangible and intangible cultural heritage, those that identify issues with digitisation and digital interaction, and those that address the theoretical challenges posed by digital cultural heritage.Submission detailsAbstracts of 300 words should be submitted no later thanMonday 7 August 2017For more information, please visit:https://digitalculturalheritageconference.com/about/
- 2017-04-27 国际之声
一、目的培训班的目的是促进遗产从业人员对澳大利亚文化遗产地基于价值管理方式的认识,以契合国际古迹遗址理事会中国委员会2015年《中国文物古迹保护准则》。参加人员将在世界文化遗产亚瑟港进行为期5天的密集式高级讲习学习,充分参与到对这一国际重要文化遗产地进行管理的实践中来,并与来自遗产管理不同领域的专家讲师一起探求新知。通过对澳大利亚、中国以及国际其他案例的学习,参加人员将从理论和实践两方面提升自身对文化遗产管理的理解和认知,与国际接轨。参加人员将有机会学习实践技巧,提升对文化遗产管理相关的理论及政治因素的理解。二、参加人员与人数参加人员应是我国世界文化遗产管理机构的管理者、专业人员和文物行政部门的管理者,具备正处级职务或副高级及以上职称,有较好的遗产保护基础和管理经验。学员人数限制在15人以内。三、培训班举办地:亚瑟港历史遗址位于塔斯马尼亚州的亚瑟港历史遗址是澳大利亚世界遗产罪犯流放地遗址中11个遗产地之一。亚瑟港是一处较大规模的、复杂的罪犯流放地工业和行政遗产,其广袤的文化和考古景观中含有众多重要建筑物和遗迹。这一遗址有丰富多样的历史,涵盖罪犯流放时期之前及之后,且与当地社区存在较大联系。这是塔斯马尼亚州和澳大利亚旅游业重要的代表性遗址,已获得塔斯马尼亚州及澳大利亚国内多项旅游大奖。最近一些大型项目由于其在遗产管理方面的杰出贡献也得到了较多关注。目前该遗址和其他两个澳大利亚罪犯流放地世界遗产(距亚瑟港不远处的煤矿遗址地和霍巴特瀑布女性工厂,一起由亚瑟港历史遗址管理当局 (PAHSMA)进行管理。学员还将有机会参观这些遗址。亚瑟港和煤矿遗址地也保存有大量自然遗产价值和属性,促进了对这些特殊遗产地的管理,带来了机遇以及挑战。四、课程设置与教师介绍课程将向学员提供遗产地的一些专业特许考察,有的可能是仅在培训班才能享受的学习机会,帮助学员了解遗产保护、管理、旅游及社区等方面的知识。课程负责人由遗产管理专家担任,他们在遗产管理和保护领域有丰富的本土及国际经验。亚瑟港历史遗址管理当局 (PAHSMA)董事会成员将担任课程负责人。课程由Sharon Sullivan教授 (PAHSMA董事会主席) 和Jane Harrington 博士(保护和基础设施主管)召集。预计下述人员将执教:Michael Field (PAHSMA董事会副主席)Stephen Large (PAHSMA首席执行官)Dr David Roe (考古管理人)Lucy Burke-Smith (遗产保护管理人)Dr Jody Steele (遗产项目管理人)文化遗产价值的确认、保护和展示的最佳实践原则和方法论将是课程学习的重点。这将包括与遗产价值评估和保护相关的政策内容及实践,与一些利益相关方直接合作,以了解包括当地社区在内的不同群体是如何与历史遗址进行互动的。高级工作人员将为大家展示其工作内容,与参加人员一起讨论他们每日工作中可能碰到的现代理论及实践问题。培训班还将讨论澳大利亚及国际上有关遗产管理和方法论的案例,为参加人员提供探知管理问题的机会。经过课程学习、现场研讨、展示、旅游、讨论和练习,学员将有机会深入了解亚瑟港相关管理原则、事项及现实状况,作为一个平台对澳大利亚世界遗产整体有一个认识,并参加案例学习,提升解决实际问题的能力。五、课程安排第0天(抵达)学员将抵达澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州霍巴特机场,由亚瑟港工作人员接待并送至亚瑟港。第1天课程正式启动课程负责人、工作人员和学员进行介绍亚瑟港遗产地管理:愿景、责任及实施亚瑟港的法律架构、行政框架及管理结构,包括规划结构实地考察 – 遗产地综合介绍:参加人员将通过下述方式加深对亚瑟港历史遗址的了解,包括游客中心及其运作的介绍,有向导的及专业性的遗产地参观活动、独立探索遗产地的机会等。第2天基于价值的管理纲要,重点关注对遗产价值和利益相关方的确认;分析遗产重要性因素;确认遗产价值保存和管理等方面的内容及挑战;制定政策方针、程序及实施方案,以确保遗产价值的保存。遗产保存个案研究 –亚瑟港监狱区保护项目。第3天世界遗产概观,包括联合国教科文组织、世界遗产中心、世界遗产公约及操作指南、咨询机构及其角色、遗产提名程序及提名之后的报告、监测和管理事宜。个案讨论: 澳大利亚罪犯流放地遗址以及来自中国的一个案例 (由学员准备)。实地考察: 煤矿遗址地 – 将关注机遇及限制,包括在文化遗产管理时如何保护自然价值。第4天阐释和教育项目 – 在不断变化的交流环境中管理外部压力(例如,游客人数统计、技术、国际内容等)游客服务和旅游 – 实现遗产价值与游客需求之间的平衡详细审查利益相关方相关原则和事项:确认、咨询、管理和挑战与亚瑟港社区利益相关方开展现场会议,提供机会对他们进行采访和互动实地考察: 手工制品和收藏品商店 – 管理及研究机会。第5天详细审查与“管理改变”相关的原则以及管理政策的开发 – 制定遗产地愿景;确定遗址地面临的威胁及机会;确认及分析遗产保护、管理和操作问题;制定解决这些问题的政策及开展行动课程及问题综述课程结束及欢送宴会第6天 (离开亚瑟港)实地考察 – 霍巴特南部瀑布女性工厂饭店午餐(课程结束)。六、报名及其他: 1. 报名条件:省级文物行政部门、遗产地管理机构、世界遗产相关科研院校和机构的管理者和专业人员,正处级职务或副高级及以上职称,有较好的遗产保护基础和管理经验,5年以上世界遗产相关工作经验。2. 报名及录取:学员填写报名表,由所在单位和省文物行政部门盖章后交协会秘书处:北京市朝阳区北四环东路高原街甲2号文博大厦1411室邮编:100029电话/传真:010 84639925。邮箱:icomoschina@icomoschina.org.cn联系人:马永红、解立报名截止日期:2017年6月5日星期五。秘书处将汇总报名表并提交协会领导决定学员的录取。录取名单将在协会网站上公布。秘书处将通知录取学员办理相关手续。3. 费用:所有费用由学员负担,其中授课、食宿、现场考察、中英翻译等费用1300澳元,直接汇至澳大利亚亚瑟港管理局账号。4. 签证:学员自行办理签证。协会负责出具相关证明文件辅助学员办理签证。5. 行程:协会秘书处将协调学员赴澳行程。6. 责任:所有责任由学员自负。报名表下载请点击:澳大利亚世界遗产地亚瑟港世界文化遗产高级培训班报名表
- 2017-03-27 国际之声
In today’s world, cultural heritage institutions must strive to be accountable, transparent and participatory, spending resources effectively while balancing needs of the community with those of the future.A risk management approach will enable organizations to identify and manage risks to cultural assets, so they can make smarter decisions about their preservation, access and use.By investigating risk management in other fields such as health and finance, and thanks to over a decade of international training and case studies, ICCROM and CCI have developed and refined an innovative methodology now available for free downloadin twocomplementary publications:The ABC Method – A risk management approach to the preservation of cultural heritageA Guide to Risk Management of Cultural HeritageFor more information, please visit:http://www.iccrom.org/prioritizing-preservation-using-the-risk-management-approach/