Call for Papers:International Symposium for the Conservation, Research and Sustainable Development o

2018-02-27 浏览量:

Dates: Oct 10 to 14, 2018

Place: Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian, Beijing

Deadline for abstract: May 1, 2018

2018 is a year to commemorate the 100th anniversary of discovering Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian, also a year to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Zhoukoudian Museum. You are cordially invited to submit research papers for presentation at our conference, which will take place in Beijing from the 10th to the 14th of October 2018. The conference, entitled "International Symposium for the Conservation, Research and Sustainable Development of Pre-Historic Heritage” at Zhoukoudian Site, is jointly organized by the Museum of Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian, Zhoukoudian International Paleoanthropological Research Center at the CAS Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, ICOMOS China and National Heritage Center of Tsinghua University.

I. Themes

  • 1) Conservation, management, interpretation and presentation of cultural heritage: discussion on the conservation, management and presentation of pre-historic archaeological sites, museums and World Heritage.
  • 2) Study on anthropogenesis: discussion on research theories and methods of anthropogenesis, and pre-historic archaeological sites.
  • 3) Pre-historic archaeological sites and digitization, science and technology innovation: discussion on digitization, Use of new technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) for the conservation of archaeological sites as well as museum exhibition design. 
  • 4) Conservation of pre-historic archaeological sites and public engagement, culture-based local tourism, sustainable development: discussion on how to arouse public enthusiasm and participation in human evolution research and pre-historic archaeological sites, in order to align display of pre-historic archaeological sites with culture-based local tourism and sustainable development policies.

II. Keywords

pre-historic archaeological sites, World Heritage conservation and management, museum exhibition design, anthropogenesis, use of digitalization, public participation, cultural tourism, sustainable development at heritage sites

III. Conference Agenda

  • Oct 10, 2018                  Registration
  • Oct 11-14, 2018            Sessions and site visits
  • Oct 14, 2018                 Closing

IV. Guideline for submissions

We accept unpublished research papers and posters relevant to the above topics.

1. Important Dates

  • May 1: Submission of abstract or poster proposal

a maximum of 250 words in English

  • May 31: Notification of acceptance of abstract or poster proposal
  • August 1: Submission of full paper or poster
  • for papers: do not exceed 5,000 words in English; for posters: do not exceed 4 boards in A0 size)
  • August 31: Notification of acceptance of papers or posters

All accepted papers will be published in conference proceedings.

2. Content and Format

Submissions should be sent via email attachment in MS Word to Abstract should include title, theme, author(s) short bio, email and the abstract; Papers should be compiled in the following order:

  • title
  • theme
  • brief description of the author(s)
  • email address
  • abstract
  • keywords
  • full text
  • annotation and references 

Please use in-text citation or footnotes for references. In-text citation should be placed in parenthesis with author(s), year of publication, and page numbers; footnotes should be placed in the end of each page in the same format without parenthesis. Any entry of bibliography at the end of paper should be in format as: author(s), year of publication, title of book (or paper), publisher (or journal/periodical), and place of publication. References should be sorted in alphabetic order.

Costs for one author of each accepted piece of work including meals and accommodation will be afforded by the organizers.



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