第18届ICCROM国际“木材保护技术”专题培训班(ICWCT 2018)将于明年4月启动
The 18th International Course on Wood Conservation Technology (ICWCT 2018)
A course on the conservation of cultural heritage made of wood
The course is divided in two main parts:
On-line distance learning: 9 April – 11 May 2018
Workshop in Oslo: 4 – 29 June 2018
Workshop location:
Oslo, Norway (premises of Riksantikvaren – The Directorate for Cultural Heritage)
Background and Content
The ICWCT was initiated as a response to a recommendation at UNESCO’s General Conference in 1980, and has been organized in Norway every second year since 1984. It is directed towards professionals who have been working for some years within the field of wood conservation. The ICWCT covers a wide range of interdisciplinary topics relating to both buildings and objects made of wood. Theoretical and practical aspects of wood conservation are given equal consideration. Interesting cultural heritage sites constructed in wood will be visited during the course.
The course programme
For the first time, the ICWCT 2018 course programme will be divided into two main components:
- A 5-week compulsory on-line introductory section where participants will have access to a digital platform from their respective home countries. Allow for at least 5 hours per week of interactive preparatory study with various exercises and papers to be submitted.
- A 4-week full-time workshop in Oslo. The workshop includes lectures, practical conservation exercises, field studies, museum visits and excursions.
The curriculum includes distinct but interconnected units covering aspects of: properties of wood; factors affecting the decay of wood; principles of conservation, preventive conservation; conservation of objects and painted surfaces, archaeological wood and furniture; conservation of wooden buildings and structures., including wood working tools and machinery. The course will include an onsite practical workshop and a study tour to selected wooden heritage sites in Norway. As a part of the programme, each participant is expected to give a 20-minute presentation from his or her work experience in their own country.
Please fill the ICCROM application form and send it together with the documents listed below to the following e-mail: wood2018@iccrom.org.
- A full professional curriculum vitae (in English)
- A one-page report describing a conservation project related to wood for which you are or have been actively involved, and which can be shared with the other participants.
For further information regarding the course, please contact:
Ms. Anne Nyhamar (The Directorate for Cultural Heritage), e-mail: anne.nyhamar@ra.no
Application deadline
Applications should reach ICCROM by 30 September 2017 to ensure inclusion in our selection process.
For more information, please visit:http://www.iccrom.org/wood-conservation-technology-icwct-2018/
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