- 2016-06-16 协会动态
- 2016-06-14 协会动态
- 2016-06-03 会员动态
各团体会员单位和个人:IUCN(世界自然保护联盟)主办的全球保护大会将于2016年9月1日到10日在美国夏威夷的火奴鲁鲁举行。ICOMOS美国国家委员会联合美国国家公园管理局和夏威夷州立历史保护处将在大会中开设“连接自然与文化遗产实践-自然与文化之旅”特别研讨会。研讨会定于9月1日到5日召开,ICCROM和ICOMOS多个专业委员代表将会参加,暂定议题近40个,详见附件。欢迎协会广大会员和感兴趣的相关专业人士积极参加。附件: 自然与文化之旅-世界保护大会议程(暂定)Nature-Culture-Journey中国古迹遗址保护协会2016年6月3日
- 2016-06-03 资质资格
各有关单位和有关人员:根据《文物保护工程勘察设计资质管理办法》、《文物保护工程施工资质管理办法》、《文物保护工程监理资质管理办法》,为加强资格证书的管理,进一步规范资格证书信息变更程序,现将有关资格证书变更相应程序通知如下:申请变更、补领、注销个人资格证书,请下载与申请类型相对应的申请表格(见附件)并提交相关文件。所有申报材料需保证真实有效,如提供材料内容作假,一经核实将不予变更,同时记录在文物保护工程个人档案内。一、工作调动(1)申请表格(一式两份);(2)与原聘用单位解除聘用劳动合同的证明文件或劳动仲裁机构出具的解除劳动关系的仲裁文件复印件(一式一份);(3)现聘任单位劳动合同复印件加盖现单位公章(一式一份);(4) 近三个月社保证明加盖社保部门公章及现单位公章(一式一份);(5)个人资格证书复印件加盖个人资格印章及现单位公章(一式一份);(6)证书原件。二、单位名称变更(1)申请表格(一式两份);(2)工商部门核准的变更证明(一式一份);(3)新营业执照副本复印件加盖现单位公章(一式一份);(4)现聘任单位劳动合同复印件加盖现单位公章(一式一份);(5) 近三个月社保证明加盖社保部门公章及现单位公章(一式一份);(6)个人资格证书复印件加盖个人资格印章及现单位公章(一式一份);(7)证书原件。三、基本信息更正(1)申请表格(一式两份);(2)个人资格证书复印件加盖个人资格印章及现单位公章(一式一份);(3)证书原件。四、证、章遗失(1)申请表格(一式两份);(2)遗失登报声明复印件加盖现单位公章(声明需说明原证件丢失且无效);(3)现聘任单位劳动合同复印件加盖现单位公章(一式一份);(4) 近三个月社保证明加盖社保部门公章及现单位公章(一式一份);五、证书注销(1)申请表格(一式两份);(2)注销原因相应证明文件(一式一份);(3)现聘任单位劳动合同复印件加盖现单位公章(一式一份);(4) 近三个月社保证明加盖社保部门公章及现单位公章(一式一份);六、证、章补领(1)申请表格(一式两份);(2)具有领证资格证明文件(一式一份);(3)现聘任单位劳动合同复印件加盖现单位公章(一式一份);(4) 近三个月社保证明加盖社保部门公章及现单位公章(一式一份);材料准备齐全后将扫描件汇总为一个pdf发至协会邮箱zizhi@icomoschina.org.cn,得到确认回复后将全部变更材料寄送至协会秘书处,并附收件地址、联系人及联系电话。根据《关于更换文物保护工程专业人员资格证书的通知》,2019年前获取证书人员因资格证书信息变更、遗失或信息错误需要进行变更、补办或更换的人员,要求必须更换为新证书,涉及以上类别的资格变更申请人在办理新证书时,除提供上述变更文件外,还需提供两张白底两寸照片(背面需注明姓名),协会在收到材料核实无误后完成后续变更工作。特此通知。联系方式:秘书处电话:010-84633592秘书处地址:北京市朝阳区北四环东路高原街甲2号文博大厦附件:1、文物保护工程个人资格证书单位变更申请表(工作调动)2、文物保护工程个人资格证书单位变更申请表(单位名称变更)3、文物保护工程个人资格证书基本信息更正申请表4、文物保护工程个人资格证、章遗失补领申请表5、文物保护工程个人资格证书注销申请表6、文物保护工程个人资格证书补领申请表
- 2016-06-01 国际之声
今天是六一国际儿童节,让我们一起回顾一下,联合国教科文组织世界遗产中心为大家整理的《世界遗产与年轻人》 The World Heritage in Young Hands Kit is based on an interdisciplinary approach seeking to involve teachers across curricula in raising awareness of young people of the importance of World Heritage. The World Heritage in Young Hands Kitstrives to incorporate World Heritage into the curriculum as a way of delivering core subjects and transverse themes in the classroom as well as through extra-curricular activities. The World Heritage in Young Hands Kitfocuses on creative and participatory methods of teaching, involving students in research, in collecting and analyzing data, in role-playing and simulation exercises, in information and communication technology, and in taking part in well-planned field trips.工具书自1998年起,共发布37种语言的版本。下载链接请点击这里:http://whc.unesco.org/en/educationkit/#downloadkit
- 2016-05-27 国际之声
Dates:17‐28 October 2016Venue: Vigan, Philippine.Organizers World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO, Shanghai Centre (WHITRAP, Shanghai) International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM)Host The City Government of ViganPartners Tongji University, China Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning & Design Institute, ChinaApplication Deadline: 1 June 2016BackgroundIn recent years the UNESCO World Heritage Committee has examined a considerable number of State of Conservation Reports related to threats from various types of large‐scale development activities to the World Heritage properties. These activities include infrastructure development, new buildings, urban renewal and changes to the land use, some of which are insensitive or inappropriate. The Committee has also examined threats from excessive or inappropriate tourism. Many of these activities have had the potential to impact adversely on the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV), including integrity and authenticity of the properties inscribed on the World Heritage List. In order to evaluate satisfactorily the potential impacts, the World Heritage Committee has suggested the State Parties concerned to conduct Heritage Impact Assessments. Impact assessment has been a tool used in evaluating impacts by other sectors widely and the time has come to adapt it to suit heritage sector.Meeting the demand of the Committee in particular, and considering the growing need for the practitioners in the heritage sector to be equipped with knowledge and skills on Heritage Impact Assessments, WHITRAP together with ICCROM initiated a training workshop in 2012 which was repeated in 2014. Since then, we have trained 30 professionals from all over the world. This announcement is for the third course to be held in 2016 on the same theme.Objectives To provide participants with the knowledge on management requirements for World Heritage Sites To discuss reporting and monitoring requirements under the World Heritage Convention including State of Conservation reports and their implications to State Parties. To provide the current knowledge and skills of using Heritage Impact Assessments as a tool for evaluating impacts from various factors affecting heritage in general, and World Heritage sites in particular. To provide understanding of the knowledge (such as the legal frameworks) to initiate/improve Heritage Impact Assessments in respective countries of the participants. To promote the exchange of experiences and information among participants and the institutions.ApplicationPlease fill the application form and send it together with the following materials by e-mail or post to the contact address below: A latest and completed professional curriculum vitae; A 500 – 750 words report which includes the descriptions of the property/ World Heritage Site and an indication of potential development/tourism/infrastructure activities that in your view could threaten the values/OUV of the site. Alternatively, you can present a 500‐750 word report on your experience of conducting/participating in an impact assessment study.Application Deadline: 1 June 2016For more information, please visit: http://www.iccrom.org/heritage-impact-assessments/
- 2016-05-25 总部动态
Call for Papers2016 Advisory Committee Symposium20 October 2016, Istanbul, TurkeyPOST-DISASTER RECONSTRUCTIONThis year’s symposium addresses the destruction of cultural heritage through natural disasters and armed conflict. The destruction of places of symbolic value has long been a device of war, with societies and civilizations overturned and their artefacts dissipated and destroyed.We are currently witnessing the the deliberate destruction of cultural heritage through armed conflict in many parts of the world.Increasingly we are also witnessing the destruction of heritage places through severe natural disasters that are expected to increase as climate change generates extreme weather events.The theme of POST-DISASTER RECONSTRUCTION is extremely relevant as societies impacted by natural disasters, terrorism and war seek to rebuild themselves and request external assistance. This brings with it many challenges and risks, as well as possible opportunities.ABSTRACT SUBMISSION GUIDELINESAbstracts for papers and posters are expected to be short documents which contain a clear statement of the topic, the research question and examples of clear case studies and good practices.The content of abstracts for submission should include:- Clear objectives- Methodology- Summary of key findings and recommendations- A short outline of historical and contemporary case studies relating to your topic.Abstracts should be submitted in English or French. The text must not exceed 500 words and must be typed according to the template below.Abstracts should be sent by email in both Word and PDF formats to scsymposiumicomos2016@gmail.com by 3 June 2016. Please include the words ‘2016 Scientific Council Symposium’ in the subject line of your email.For more information, please visit: http://www.icomosadcom2016.com/scientific-symposium/
- 2016-05-24 协会动态
- 2016-05-18 会员动态