


  • 2015-09-08 国际之声


    On 31 August 2015, Ms Irina Bokova, Director General of UNESCO visited the Shaanxi Provincial Historical Museum in Xi’an (China). On this occasion, Mr Guo Zhan, former ICOMOS Vice President and Director of the ICOMOS International Conservation Centre -Xi‘an (IICC-X), which is run under the aegis of ICOMOS China, introduced Ms Bokova to the work of the IICC-X.Ms Bokova welcomed the IICC-X’s participation in the Silk Roads Project as "a major contribution to the rich history of exchange between Asia and Europe that starts here in Xi’an. Mr Zhao Rong, Director of Shaanxi Provincial Administration of Cultural Heritage and Mr Du Yue, Secretariat of the China National UNESCO Commission accompanied the visit.For information, please visit http://www.iicc.org.cn/Info.aspx?ModelId=1&Id=945

  • 2015-09-08 国际之声


    Terra 2016 - XIIth World Congress on Earthen Architecture / 11–14 July 2016 / Centre de Congrès, Lyon, FranceTerra 2016 is the twelfth congress in a series of international events organised since 1972, bringing together academics, professionals and experts, and a broad audience gathering around earthen architecture. The congress is organised under the aegis of the ISCEAH Committee of ICOMOS international, in the framework of the UNESCO World Heritage Earthen Architecture Programme (WHEAP).The 2016 edition will focus mainly on issues dealing with sustainable development, particularly in urban areas. This event will gather more than 800 participants from the fields of heritage conservation, archaeology, architecture and urban planning, engineering, social sciences, as well as fields related to local sustainable development and crisis intervention.For more information: http://terra2016.sciencesconf.org/

  • 2015-08-31 协会动态


    树立正确的保护理念 深入推进建筑遗产保护——在2015(上海)国际建筑遗产保护博览会开幕式上的致辞国家文物局副局长、中国古迹遗址保护协会理事长童明康各位来宾、各位朋友,女士们、先生们,上午好。值此“2015(上海)国际建筑遗产保护博览会”隆重开幕之际,我谨代表国家文物局和中国古迹遗址保护协会对博览会的开幕表示热烈祝贺,对来自国内外文化遗产界的同事们,对热爱和支持建筑遗产保护事业的朋友们表示热烈欢迎。建筑遗产是人类文化的重要载体、民族历史的缩影,也是民族精神的象征。我国是历史悠久的文明古国,历来重视对建筑遗产的保护、传承、利用和发展。第三次全国文物普查结果显示,我国有不可移动文物76万余处,其中建筑遗产40万余处。一大批建筑遗产被公布为相应级别的文物保护单位。在4296处全国重点文物保护单位中,就有建筑遗产近2600处。更有故宫、长城、平遥古城、皖南古村落等建筑遗产,以其突出普遍价值,被列入世界遗产名录。进入21世纪以来,随着文化遗产保护实践的空前活跃,我国的文化遗产保护理论在价值认识、保护原则、新型遗产保护、合理利用等多个方面都有了新的发展,这些在今年完成修订的《中国文物古迹保护准则》中都有了充分的体现,反映了当今中国文化遗产保护的最新认识水平。现在各级政府、全社会的文化遗产保护意识都有了显著提高。存在的突出问题已经不是梁思成那个时代所面临的大拆问题,也不是对文化遗产保护工作不重视,而是在重视之后保什么怎么保的问题,是理念和技术层面的问题。正是从这个角度,我们高度评价本次博览会。比如长城保护工作。最近习近平总书记做了重要批示,指出长城保护还存在不尽如人意的地方。实事求是地说,在各地经济建设过程中,地方各级政府和相关企、事业单位已经有了长城保护意识,大规模破坏长城资源的情况已得到有效遏制。但在长城具体保护维修工作中,还需要进一步端正思想,纠正一些错误的认识。一些地方从发展旅游的角度出发,认为长城保护就是“再建长城”,一味强调恢复长城“雄伟、壮观”的所谓“历史原貌”,出现借维修之名大搞重建,甚至臆造、假造长城的错误倾向,违背了文物保护的基本原则。长城保护总体上还是应以现状保护与“重点维修”相结合的方式,强调日常维护,辅以补缺、加固等措施,延缓其自然残损的速度。这类保护理念问题不仅存在于长城保护工作中,在其他建筑遗产的保护管理工作中也同样存在,具有一定的普遍性。比如蜀道是一条由中国古代先民开凿的,体现着古代先民智慧,有着浓厚文化底蕴的文化线路,是不折不扣的文化遗产,但地方政府目前将其定性为自然与文化双遗产,这在认识上显然存在很大的偏差,如果不及时加以纠正,可能就会在保护和申遗工作中走很多不必要的弯路。当前,我国正处于全面建成小康社会的关键时期。随着新型城镇化和新农村建设不断深入,建筑遗产作为能够服务于城乡当代和未来发展的不可再生的宝贵资源,其重要作用日益凸显。同时,工业化、信息化和科技快速进步为建筑遗产保护利用提供了新的契机。因此,努力掌握科学规律,积极遵循科学理念,不断创新科学方法,进一步提高建筑遗产保护利用水平,更好地促进经济社会可持续发展,是需要我们深入思考和积极实践的重大课题。借此机会,我愿与大家分享以下几点认识:一是坚持最小干预原则。对建筑遗产的维修是对其生命过程的干预和存在状况的改变。这种干预应当尽量降低强度,减少遗产价值和历史信息的损失,实现建筑遗产延年益寿。要特别警惕借追求所谓“金碧辉煌”“盛世再现”,对建筑遗产进行过度修缮的错误做法。要根据建筑遗产出现的险情,有针对性地选择最恰当的保护方式和技术。能够小修小补解决的问题,绝不搞大修;越是重要的建筑遗产,越要小心呵护,审慎从事,保持和维护其历史沧桑感,才是真正的再现辉煌。同时,要强化预防性保护,贯彻养护为主,辅以必要修缮的保护理念,将做好日常保养维护和岁修工作作为一项基本任务抓紧抓好。二是做好整体保护。建筑遗产的本体和环境风貌都是构成遗产价值的重要因素。要坚持整体保护的重要理念,既要关注单体建筑遗产,也要关注古城古镇古村等聚落遗产;不仅保护遗产本体,也要维护其历史风貌、传统格局、空间尺度、重要天际线和景观视廊,以及与其相互依存的自然景观和生态环境。要通过保护规划、建设控制和环境整治等有效手段,切实改善建筑遗产及其环境景观的保护状况,着力解决一些遗产周边环境脏乱差的问题,使建筑遗产成为城市文化的亮点和民众心向往之的地方。三是进一步加强考古和科学研究。许多建筑遗产历经多次兴废,形制、格局、工艺都多有变化。如果没有扎实的考古和研究基础就贸然开展工作,很容易造成修缮走样、展示利用不合理等诸多问题。考古是文物保护工作的基础。只有加强考古和科学研究,进一步摸清建筑遗产的原始状态和发展沿革,才能深入提炼遗产价值和掌握相关的工艺技术,为开展保护维修提供有力的科学支撑。重要的建筑遗产都应将考古作为保护工作的一项重要内容;而研究则应贯穿于建筑遗产保护工作全过程,所有保护措施都要以学术研究成果为依据。好大喜功、空话连篇、似是而非的伪学术研究必须摒弃。四是注重保护文化传统。许多建筑遗产与所在城市和乡村社区居民的传统生产、生活方式、信仰习俗等非物质文化遗产相关,呈现出“活态”的特征,体现出特定的地区和民族文化意义。相关的文化传统是这些建筑遗产价值不可分割的重要内容。对这些建筑遗产的保护,应当延续其原有功能,同时促进相关传统生产、生活方式等非物质文化遗产适应当代生活的发展并保持活力,这也是保护民族和地区文化多样性的必然要求。五是鼓励合理利用。要以利用为导向来推进保护工作。在科学确定建筑遗产利用方式的基础上,统筹开展维修、安消防、环境整治和基础设施建设项目,做到同步设计实施,尽量减少工程量和重复施工对遗产的影响。要根据建筑遗产的价值、类型、保存状况、环境条件等分级分类,选择适宜的利用方式。具有特别重要价值的,应以原状展示为主;其他遗产尤其是“活态”建筑遗产,只要不改变、不损害其特征和价值,可以进行必要的修缮、调整、改造,以满足其现实的功能需求。需要特别强调的是,利用必须充分考虑建筑遗产的价值特征、承受能力和现实条件,防止过度利用,不能把文化遗产变成喧嚣的商业场。六是发挥科技创新支撑作用。在当今知识经济时代,传统文化与现代文明、文化艺术与科学技术交融共生。要在挖掘、传承和发展建筑遗产保护的传统工艺和技术的同时,积极探索适宜的现代科技保护手段,加强新技术、新材料、新工艺在遗产保护利用中的运用、推广和创新。要跟上信息化的发展趋势,通过数字化和多媒体等现代技术手段,加快提升建筑遗产的展示水平。“建筑不老,遗产永恒”是本届建博会的口号,也是我们共同的愿景。以“建筑遗产的保护和利用”为主题的本届博览会,推出了一系列亮点项目,参与展览的不仅有保护案例、技术工艺、材料设备、专业媒介,还有同期进行的学术论坛和互动体验活动,在增进广大公众对建筑遗产的认知的同时,将为推广建筑遗产领域中最新科研成果、技术、产品及服务,促进建筑遗产应用技术的创新,搭建一个重要的交流、合作平台。我非常期待本次盛会能产生学术交流、观点碰撞和技术传播的丰硕成果,因为这些正是推动文化遗产保护事业不断进取、不断创新的动力。预祝博览会取得圆满成功。

  • 2015-08-27 国际之声


    2015 WHITRAP Asia-Pacific Region Training on HULShanghai, China, 14-17 December 2015Application Deadline extended:November 22, 2015 (if not lives in China or visa is needed)November 28, 2015 (if lives in China or visa is not needed)The 2015 WHITRAP Asia-Pacific Region Training on HUL aims to update professionals on the what, why & how of HUL with the latest developments in the field. Furthermore, through this training course, WHITRAP pursuit to strength and enlarge the specialist network for HUL in this area of the world as well as its implementation and its capacity building programme. During four days training programme, practitioners and specialists will participate in lectures, field trip visits and roundtable discussion on HUL approach challenges and impacts in Asia-Pacific Region. All of them will be led by Chinese, Regional and International experts. Among others, Francesco Bandarin (UNESCO Advisor and Former Director of the World Heritage Centre), Susan Fayad (Coordinator Heritage Strategy for the City of Ballarat, Australia), Ken Taylor (University of Canberra) and Giulio Verdini (Director Research Institute of Urbanisation of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University -XJTLU-) will present the HUL approach and its Took Kit. Teaching Team:The teaching staffs are composed by experts on the field heritage conservation and HUL approach:­ - ZHOU Jian (Director of WHITRAP Shanghai and Professor of Urban Planning at Tongji University), ­ - SHAO Yong (Executive Director of WHITRAP Shanghai and Professor of Urban Planning at Tongji University),­ - Fancesco BANDARIN (UNESCO Advisor and Former Director of the WHC), ­ - Susan FAYAD (Coordinator of Heritage Strategy for the City of Ballarat, Australia). ­ - Ken TAYLOR (University of Canberra)­ - Giulio VERDINI (Director of Research Institute of Urbanization of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University -XJTLU-)Teaching Materials­ - Reader for the overall subject and more specific components of HUL­ - Historic Cities brochure­ - WHITRAP HUL programme HUL Brochure Working LanguageEnglishCertificateCertificate of participation of the 2015 WHITRAP Asia – Pacific Region Training on HUL, Shanghai, China, 14-17 December 2015. Participants are requiring assisting to all of the lectures and sessions of the training course. Course Fee:USD 200Participants will be responsible for their round trip travel costs to and from venue location, accommodation and living expenses. In order to cover accommodation and living expenses during the time of the course, participants should plan for a minimum allowance of 800 USD for the entire period.Candidates are strongly encouraged to seek financial support from sources such as governmental institutions, employers and funding agencies. ScholarshipScholarships available: 2 (only for subscription fee)The organizers only offers limited scholarships to the professionals/ decision makers/ cultural heritage promoters with exceptional profile and who can demonstrate that will carry out an HUL application. ApplicationPreference will be given to applicants working in Asia-Pacific RegionPlease COMPLETE the attached application form and send it together with the following materials by email to the contact address below:­ - One essay of 2 pages, about how can HUL approach contribute to the conservation processes in the applicant’s region? Give specific examples and possible cases for HUL application. ­ - Framework of Research (conceptual map)­ - Motivation Letter­ - CV­ - Endorsement of the Organization where the potential participant worksApplication Deadline:October 15, 2015 Announcement of the participants selected will send to the personal email of applicants within the next three weeks after the deadline. Correspondence:Email is encouraged. All correspondence concerning the above course should be addressed in English to: whitrap.hul@gmail.comFor more information and application form, please visit: http://www.whitr-ap.org/index.php?classid=1462&id=84&t=show

  • 2015-08-25 协会动态



  • 2015-08-24 国际之声


    Call for papers: Icon Conference 2016Icons third triennial conference will ask the conservation profession to consider its place in a challenging cultural and economic climate.Icon Conference 2016: Turn and Face the Change: Conservation in the 21st Century will take place from 15-17 June 2016 at Aston University Conference Centre, Birmingham.Papers for both the plenary and group sessions are invited to address the following themes: How can the profession get ahead of the curve and influence decision-making? Is the conservation profession keeping up with changing trends? What will the conservation profession of the future look like? What are the factors affecting emerging professionals? Is conservation in fashion? Is conservation relevant in todays digital world or how do we make it relevant? Does conservation need to challenge the established perception of the profession? What does a modern conservator look like? Have we progressed or gone full circle? What is the changing shape of conservation in the cultural sector? What are the current treatment trends? How is the profession using new technologies, techniques and science? How will the relationship between conservation and craft evolve? What are the current trends in education and training?Booking for Icon 2016 opens in November 2015.DeadlinesSend plenary session abstracts to conference@icon.org.uk by 31 October 2015Send Group submissions to your Group Chair by 31 October 2015Send abstracts for the Emerging Professionals and Education & Training sessions to Susan Bradshaw by 31 October 2015Papers will be selected by 30 November 2015Abstracts should be 150 words and include title, names, addresses and email addresses of all authors and indicate author for correspondence.For more information, please visit: http://icon.org.uk/events/icon-conference-2016-turn-and-face-change

  • 2015-08-21 国际之声


    Adaptive Re-use, The Modern Movement Towards the FutureCALL FOR PAPERSdocomomo International invites researchers and practitioners involved in the process of preservation, conservation, renovation or transformation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement, to investigate on the theme: Adaptive Re-use, The Modern Movement Towards the Future (read more on About).docomomo International is now accepting abstracts for the 14th International docomomo Conference that will take place in Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal, September 6–9, 2016. Please submit abstracts no later than October 18, 2015 (12 pm GMT), for one of the 29 thematic sessions listed below (download it here).Sessions will consist of four papers, followed by 20 minutes for discussion. Each paper should be in English and take no more than 20 minutes to present. Conference papers will be published in the conference Proceedings.Deadline:October 18, 2015 (12 pm GMT)FOR ABSTRACT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES, PLEASE VISIT: http://docomomoaustralia.com.au/dcmm/news/call-for-papers/

  • 2015-08-21 国际之声


    International Conference on urban conservation: Role of the Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in safeguarding modern heritage in the Arab States, Kuwait CityThe UNESCO’s World Heritage Centre and the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters (NCCAL) in Kuwait organize a regional conference on the theme of urban conservation and the role of the Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape in safeguarding the heritage of urban and architectural modernities in the Arab World. This conference will take place in Kuwait from 1 to 3 December 2015.The conference will be held in Kuwait and will address these issues by focusing on the key point of the integration of heritage conservation in the training of future architects and urban planners of the Arab world. The participation of representatives from universities and schools of urban planning and architecture, together with participants from regional and international institutions, will be one of the bases of this meeting. This will also be an opportunity to discover modern heritage in Kuwait and this country’s experience in conserving and enhancing this heritage.Deadline: 15 September,2015详情请见UNESCO官网:http://whc.unesco.org/en/events/1248下载链接:1. 参会申请表2. 关于城市历史景观的建议书,包括定义汇编 (由协会编辑整理)

  • 2015-08-19 会员动态



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