ICCROM “文化遗产急救”国际课程将于明年五月在华盛顿开班
Call for Applications
International Course on
First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Crisis
Dates: May 23, 2016 – June 24, 2016
Place: Washington, DC USA
Application deadline: 9 November 2015
Organizers: ICCROM;The Smithsonian Institution, USA
In cooperation with Prince Claus Fund, Cultural Emergency Response Programme (CER)
#culturecannotwait: Many different types of professionals respond to an unfolding crisis. This course provides strategies for interlocking culture specialists with humanitarian specialists during an emergency situation and aims to unify these sometimes conflicting perspectives. The course imparts practical skills and knowledge for taking simple measures to secure and stabilize endangered cultural heritage during a complex emergency situation, which in turn can become a driver for peace and holistic development. The recovery and stabilization of such cultural material can be a strategy that allows people to cope in a crisis.
For more information, please visit http://www.iccrom.org/international-course-on-first-aid-to-cultural-heritage-in-times-of-crisis/.
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