


  • 2015-08-19 会员动态



  • 2015-08-17 国际之声


    Water clearly has a special place amongst the many relationships which exist between man and nature. It is a permanent and essential human need. Access to water is a vital element common to all human civilisations; there are no exceptions, meaning that all civilisations have a water culture. In the course of history, this has led to a wide variety of tangible and social expressions, which we may consider to be one of the fundamental heritages of humanity.The aim of the approach adopted for this thematic study is to provide assistance for recognising, studying and preserving heritage of this type. For this initial study, ICOMOS has chosen to focus on the region of the Middle East and the Maghreb, inside the general framework of water rarity.The thematic study proposes a typological inventory which should primarily be seen as a methodological aid for anyone wishing to consider the above-mentioned aspects, either with a view to achieving recognition and protection of such heritages by the World Heritage List or to protecting heritage in a national context.A second edition is foreseen at a later stage which would complete the overall picture with some additional contributions.下载地址:ICOMOS发表“水域文化遗产之中东及马格里布地区”专题研究论文(初版)

  • 2015-08-14 国际之声


    International Conference Announcement and Call for PapersInheriting the City: Advancing Understandings of Urban HeritageIronbridge International Institute of Cultural Heritage, University of Birmingham and National Taiwan University31 March - 4 April 2016, Taipei, TaiwanIn the context of rapid cultural and economic globalisation, over half of the World’s population now live in urban areas. Through rural migration, new economic opportunities and enhanced global mobilities, cities and towns have expanded dramatically resulting in challenges to their character and identity. Visible changes in skylines and boundaries are also accompanied by less obvious shifts in how cities preserve, present and promote their pasts and traditions against fierce and competitive demands for space. Urban heritage, as the valued tangible and intangible legacies of the past, would appear to be an increasingly important asset for communities and governments alike, allowing cities to mark their distinctiveness, attract tourists and inward investment and, retain a historical narrative that feeds into the quality of life. At the same time, new heritage – the heritage of the future - is being created in cities and towns. This reflects the patterns and trends of wider economic, social and cultural change and is resulting in ‘starchitecture’ and new iconic structures, but also in small scale interventions whereby communities are creating and nurturing buildings, objects, spaces and practices that have meaning and value to them.This conference seeks to examine the processes of protecting, planning and promoting urban heritage in the face of on-going changes, pressures and opportunities at the global and the local level. We wish to better understand the ways in which heritage can be mobilised in the development of city well-being and the changing approaches to how it is managed, taking into account issues of ownership, responsibility, local and national economies and identities. Critically we address the question of long term sustainability and pose the question of what will future residents, communities and tourists inherit from their towns and cities? The Conference aims to provide critical dialogue beyond disciplinary boundaries and we invite papers from all disciplines and fields including: anthropology, architecture, archaeology, art history, cultural geography, cultural studies, design, ethnology and folklore, economics, history, heritage studies, landscape studies, leisure studies, museum studies, philosophy, political science, sociology, tourism studies, urban history, urban/spatial planning.We welcome perspectives on all aspects of urban heritage / heritage in the urban context - world heritage, historic urban landscapes, colonial heritage, religious heritage, intangible heritage and traditions, museum heritage, food heritage etc. Potential themes of interest include: Innovative modalities of protection and planning urban heritage Community approaches to and uses of, urban heritage City based tourism and visitor economies of urban heritage Urban heritage as a form of social resistance Heritage as city memory Cosmopolitan urban heritage and re-creating identities Global and mega-city competition through heritage Revitalising the city through heritage Sub-urban and sub-altern heritage Urban spaces, traditions and intangible heritagePlease send a 300 word abstract of your paper with a clear title and full contact details to ironbridge@contacts.bham.ac.uk as soon as possible.Deadline: 15 October 2015For more information, visit conference website and university official website. Download postcard, click here.

  • 2015-08-07 国际之声


    50th Anniversary Publication - Call for contributionsFrom 22-24 June 2015, the Conference “Heritage in Transformation” and the commemorating ceremony of the 50th anniversary of the founding of ICOMOS were held in Warsaw and gathered over 200 participants, representing ICOMOS National and International Scientific Committees from around the world.ICOMOS Poland is planning to edit the conference publication Heritage in Transformation and invites additional authors to submit proposals of articles by 30 September 2015 to icomos50@gmail.comDownload the call for contributions and the paper format

  • 2015-08-04 中国遗产


    为进一步贯彻落实习近平总书记关于文物保护的重要论述精神,促进建筑遗产保护与利用技术交流,普及建筑文化遗产知识,弘扬优秀建筑文化,中国古迹遗址保护协(ICOMOSCHINA)、中国文物保护技术协会、中国城市科学研究会历史文化名城委员会将联合主办“2015(上海)国际建筑遗产保护博览会”(简称“上海建博会”)。该博览会将于2015年8月28~30日在上海展览中心(上海市延安中路1000号)举办,是我国首届“国际建筑遗产保护博览会”。专业的组织机构主办单位:中国古迹遗址保护协会(ICOMOSCHINA)、中国文物保护技术协会、中国城市科学研究会历史文化名城委员会支持单位:清华大学国家遗产中心、北京国文琰文物保护发展有限公司、北京大学考古文博学院、同济大学建筑与城市规划学院、北京清城睿现数字科技研究院有限公司协办单位:中国文物报社、上海市文物保护研究中心承办单位:上海建为历保工程科技股份有限公司、点意空间国际展览集团“建博会”将邀请来自中国、美国及欧洲各国建筑遗产保护行业相关单位参展。目的为促进我国文化遗产管理部门、保护研究机构、产业间相关企事业单位在学术及众多领域的交流合作,为国内外建筑遗产保护与利用领域的从业人士提供一个国际化、专业化、零距离、多维度的有效平台,从而推动建筑遗产保护产业理念与技术的升级。展览分为五大展区保护案例展、技术工艺展、材料设备展、高新技术展、书刊媒介展强大的参展单位目前已有约70家遗产保护领域内的代表性机构将参加展览展示活动,境外、港澳知名保护单位包括:USA Architecture preservation studio、PurcellUK、Ardig GmbH、Linsinger ZT GmbH、香港康乐及文化事务署古物古迹办事处、澳门文化局等;参展的国内高等院校及其下属机构包括:清华大学国家遗产中心、北京大学考古文博学院、同济大学建筑与城市规划学院、同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司、东南大学、天津大学、武汉大学、北京建筑大学、西安建筑科技大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学、广州大学、南京工业大学、北京交通运输职业学院等。各地区具有代表性的保护研究、设计、施工单位包括:北京国文琰文物保护发展有限公司、云冈石窟研究院、龙门石窟研究院、四川省文物考古研究院、北京市古代建筑研究所、山西省古建筑保护研究所、陕西省考古研究院、中国建筑设计研究院、北京市园林古建工程有限公司、山西古建集团有限公司、南京历史城区保护建设集团有限责任公司、上海章明建筑设计事务所、上海建筑设计研究院有限公司、上海住总集团等。建筑遗产类纪念馆也将纷纷展示各自保护利用的实践,包括上海鲁迅纪念馆、北京古代建筑博物馆、北京石刻石艺博物馆、青岛德国总督府旧址纪念馆、邬达克纪念馆等。此外,众多材料设备单位、高新技术应用单位,以及业界主要媒体单位也将参与展览展示活动。高质量的国际学术论坛展览期间,将举行四场国际学术论坛,邀请国内外建筑遗产保护代表人士,介绍保护理论、技术研究和设计、施工实践最新进展与动态。活动日程如下:丰富的公众体验活动为了让公众亲手体会遗产中的手工匠作技艺,展会将为公众提供遗产修缮技艺手工操作机会,包括:彩色玻璃修复、灰塑捏制、油饰彩绘、木构件修复等,丰富的手工坊体验活动,力争让每一位有兴趣的普通公众也能体验一把传统工艺的惊喜。此外,组委会将为展会量身定制上海经典案例走读活动,带领大家深入走近上海的优秀建筑遗产。“上海建博会”欢迎建筑文化遗产保护行业各单位的参与以及社会各界人士的关注,为进一步扩大文化遗产保护在公众中的影响,推动我国建筑遗产保护与利用行业的前进与发展贡献自己的力量。更多信息敬请关注展会官网网站 www.ahp-expo.cn官方微信公众号:AHPIchina

  • 2015-07-23 资质资格


    2015年度文物保护工程专业人员考核考生须知1、此次考核为闭卷考试,应自觉遵守考场纪律,讲究文明礼貌。2、必须携带本人身份证、准考证(7月23日更新版本),按照考核安排的日期、考区、考场,提前30分钟进入考场。考核开始30分钟后不得入场。3、考生根据准考证号在附件4查找报考科目对应考核考场及座位号,进入考场后,按监考人员要求签字确认,在指定的座位就坐,并将身份证和准考证放在桌面左上角。4、闭卷考核除必须的用具外,书包、书籍、笔记本、资料、纸张、通讯工具等均不得带入考场,如带入后,应按监考人员指定位置统一存放(手机、闹钟应处于关闭状态)。5、本次考核采取答题卡答题形式,考生需携带2B铅笔、橡皮、黑色签字笔。答题卡上应按规定填写姓名、准考证号、分类和科目。涂写答题卡应规范,避免因涂写不清造成读卡失败。6、7月28日上午统考科目考核时监考老师先发文物保护法规和行业准则试卷,考核时间75分钟,从8:30至9点45,由监考老师统一换发通论试卷,考核时间75分钟,从9点50至11点05分结束。换卷时间为5分钟。7、考生不得要求监考人员解释试题,如遇试卷分发错误,页码序号不对、字迹模糊或答题卡有折皱、污点等问题,应举手询问。8、考核时间内不准擅自离开考场,如有特殊情况,经监考人员同意,可在监考人员陪同下离开考场。专业科目开考90分钟内,不得交卷离开考场。9、应在规定时间内独立完成答卷,考核中不得有交头接耳、左顾右盼、打手势、做暗号、夹带、传递纸条、接发短信、交换考卷、偷看资料、替他人答卷或故意将答卷暴露给他人抄袭、扰乱考场等任何形式的违纪行为。如发生违纪行为,情节较轻者,由监考人员没收相关材料并予以警告;警告无效者取消本场考试成绩;严重违纪者,如替考、破坏考场秩序等,取消所有科目成绩。必要时请示考点负责人,同时将其违纪情况填写在考场记录表中,并保留考生违纪的相关证据。10、应服从监考人员管理,保持安静。提前交卷后应迅速离开考场,不得在考场周围逗留和喧哗,影响他人考核。11、考核结束时,应立即停止答卷,并在原座位安静等候监考员收卷。在交卷过程中,不能有继续答卷、拖延交卷。12、考生尽量选择公共交通工具到达考场,校园内禁止开车出入。校园内禁止吸烟,请自觉遵守,爱护校园环境。13、建议考生提前一天熟悉考场周边环境,明确考场位置,并根据考试安排合理规划时间。14、考核地点分为北京和西安。“北京、天津、河北、内蒙、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、江苏、 浙江、安徽、福建、山东”等省、市的人员在北京考核; “陕西、上海、山西、江西、河南、湖北、湖南、广东、广 西、重庆、四川、贵州、云南、西藏、甘肃、青海、新疆”等省、 市的人员在西安考核。附件: 1、答题卡填写规则 2、答题卡图样 3、考场区域示意图4、考场教室安排5、考生考核座位信息6、考核联系人

  • 2015-07-16 国际之声


    Course on Conservation of Built Heritage 2016Dates: 4 March - 29 April 2016Place: Rome, ItalyBackgroundICCROM is pleased to announce the sixth training course on Conservation of Built Heritage in Rome. ICCROM has been a pioneer in organizing courses in heritage conservation since 1965 including the Architectural Conservation Course (ARC) and many other regular courses and most recently the course on Conservation of Built Heritage for five consecutive intervals since 2007. In designing this course, ICCROM has drawn from this experience, evaluation results and considered the most recent international trends and thinking related to conservation of the built heritage, including buildings, sites, historic centres and cultural landscapes.The course aims at serving a wide range of conservation practitioners and decision makers by placing technical issues within the broader conservation context in order to link them to planning and management concerns. The first part of the course will consist of an overview of the current practices of defining heritage, evolution of different concepts and key approaches currently used in built heritage conservation. The second part of the course will focus on the planning and management issues pertaining to the conservation decision making process. The third part of the course will focus more closely on technical issues including documentation, conditions assessments and various treatments plus interpretation and public access. The final week of the course may be devoted to one-week module on a selected theme related to World Heritage which also has implications on heritage conservation and management in general.ObjectivesAt the conclusion of the course, participants will have a better understanding of critical processes in conservation in order to apply them at the macro/micro levels; improve their strategic planning skills relevant to heritage management; expand their awareness, knowledge, and understanding of current principles and practices in conservation of the built heritage; and enhance skills, judgments, and experience.MethodologyTraining will be based on a multiple activity model including lectures, case studies, practical hands-on exercises, site visits, group work, and classroom discussions. Participants will need to be active and involved during three stages: pre-course preparation, course attendance, and post-course follow-up, networking, and monitoring. During the course, participants will be considered as key resources by sharing their own knowledge and experiences, presenting case studies, participating in course discussions, and participating in group work and hands- on exercises.ParticipantsThe course is open to a maximum of 20 participants with at least four years of experience actively involved in the conservation of built heritage. Mid-career professionals and other decision makers in conservation from different disciplines (architects, archaeologists, engineers, planners, site managers, etc.), either in a position to influence practice or having the potential to do so in the short or medium term, are eligible. Those in a position to carry the messages of the course to a broad audience (for example, trainers who are able to reach a large audience over time) are encouraged to apply.Teaching TeamTeaching staff will be composed of recognized heritage conservation professionals having both practical and theoretical experience. They will represent the broadest possible international perspectives in their fields of expertise, and at the same time will be able to bring specific knowledge in order to fulfill each of the course components. In addition they will represent excellence covering a wide geographical scope.LanguageEnglish is the working language of the course. Candidates must have strong communication and writing skills in English. A certificate of language will be requested, if English is not your first language or if you have not carried out graduate studies in English.Course fee: € 900Travel, Accommodation and Living ExpensesParticipants will be responsible for their round trip travel costs to and from Rome. In order to cover accommodation and living expenses in Rome during the course, participants should plan for a minimum amount of 3,000 Euros for two months. Candidates are strongly encouraged to seek financial support from sources such as governmental institutions, employers and funding agencies. In cases of proven financial need, and depending on the availability of funding from external sources at the time of the course, a limited number of partial scholarships may be granted.Certificate of AttendanceParticipants will receive a Certificate of Attendance upon successful completion of the course. Participants are expected to attend all lectures and activities over the full length of the course.ApplicationPlease fill the ICCROM application form (obtainable from ICCROMs web site) and send it together with the documents below to the email address: builtheritage2016@iccrom.org. In the event that it is not possible to provide a scanned version of the necessary photographs and signatures, it will be necessary to send a paper copy.- A full professional curriculum vitae (in English)- A brief report (3-5 pages) answering the following questions:Describe a conservation project for which you are or have been actively involved. Include the appropriate contextual background (objectives, partners, support, etc.), a description of difficulties encountered, and the strategic responses developed.In addition to the project described above, what other case studies might you be able to share during your participation in the course?What do you consider as your major achievement in the field of conservation of immovable cultural heritage?Application deadlineApplications should reach ICCROM by 28 August 2015 to ensure inclusion in our selection process.(Implementation of the course will be subjected to the approval of the ICCROM General Assembly that will be held in November 2015)

  • 2015-07-06 中国遗产

    中国土司遗产(Tusi Sites)成功列入世界遗产名录


  • 2015-07-06 资质资格



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