3-5 February 2016 Rome
Second International Conference of Aerial Archaeology
2nd International Conference of Aerial Archaeology
“From Aerostats to Drones: aerial imagery in Archaeology”
Rome, 3-5 February 2016
A few years after the 1st International Conference of Aerial Archaeology (Rome, 15-16 April 2009), the Laboratory of Ancient Topography and Photogrammetry (LABTAF) of the University of Salento, together with Ghent University (Belgium) and the University of Cassino, will organise a second event at the prestigious seat of the Academia Belgica in Rome, with the aim of rounding up the newest trends and acquisitions in the field of aerial survey and remote sensing in Archaeology. Hoping to give a fairly representative view of what are the main attitudes and basic methodologies that drive the Italian and international scene, our goal is to set up a dynamic meeting, open not only to the small circle of archaeologists, but extended to a wider public of specialists.
The Conference will be divided in four sessions:
• Session 1: state of the art, pioneering research and historical aerial imagery;
• Session 2: methodology and applications of aerial photo-interpretation and finalised photogrammetry;
• Session 3: presentation of projects which make systematic use of aerial photo interpretation;
• Session 4: entitled "Drones in Archaeology" will be devoted to applications of UAVs and new technologies connected to their use, with case-studies from Italy and abroad.
Each session will include a key note lecture, oral presentations and posters.
The poster session will be held in the hall of the Academia Belgica.
Official languages
Italian and English
The Organisers welcome abstract submission. Abstracts (stating affiliation of the authors) should not exceed 500 words (including title), and should indicate in which session they could be presented. They should be sent to the Organising Committee by 20 September 2015. By 15 October authors will be notified of their acceptance, whether for oral (20 min.) or poster presentation.
The deadline for paper submission is 15 March 2016. By 15 February 2016 the rules for contributors will be disseminated.
To facilitate the participation to the event and in particular to promote the attendance of young scholars, there will NOT be any registration fee to the Conference and contributions for the publication of the proceedings will NOT be requested.
For more information, please visit: http://www.archeologia-aerea.it/eng.html
For communications, please contact: labtaf@unisalento.it
Important deadlines
30 September 2015: submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations;
15 October 2015: communication of accepted presentations;
15 March 2016: definitive submission of papers for the conference proceedings.
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