- 2016-12-19 总部动态
ICOMOS International Polar Heritage Committee (IPHC) Conference Christchurch New Zealand, 28-29 September 2017 The IPHC 2017 Conference theme is Polar heritage and the ships behind it: management and protection.Getting to and from polar regions has been a constant issue for all polar expeditions, and the ships that made this happen are a key component of polar heritage.The IPHC 2017 conference will explore the many aspects that arise in the management and protection of these vessels including: Historic shipwrecks in polar regions both on land or underwater Polar ships that survive as museum displays Ownership of polar wrecks and remnants Relocation of polar wrecks and remnants Use of modern polar ships to access polar heritage sites Indigenous use of ship-wreck materials, indigenous input relating to wreck history, and indigenous/non-indigenous interactions related to polar ships and crews Royal Canadian Mounted Police ship patrols and their influence on indigenous groups in arctic Canada World War II ships, and the history of polar convoys Law issues and the protection of underwater heritageThe IPHC 2017 Conference Organising Committee invites submissions of papers that address this theme. Please submit a 300-word abstract and title by 28 February 2017, together with the name(s) of the author and email address to Karen Clarke by email.For more information, please visit: http://www.polarheritage.com/polarheritage/IPHCConference2017/
- 2016-11-25 总部动态
12th Conference of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Theory and Philosophy of Conservation & RestorationCall for abstractsInvited Committee: ICOMOS International Scientific Committees on Interpretation & PresentationTheme: Place of Memory – Protection, Conservation, InterpretationPlace and Date: Florence, Italy, 8-10 March 2017The term place of memory (lieu de memoire) has been used in heritage protection with increased frequency. A ‘place of memory’ is a property or site vested with historical significance due to the nature of the historic events that occurred there. What differentiates places of memory from other categories of heritage is the relation between the material and non-material components of the site. In ‘places of memory’, the non-material component is offar greater importance than the material one.In historical studies, the term place of memory conveys several meanings, including metaphorical ones. In heritage protection, however, the meaning of this phrase narrows down to such sites as battlefields, places of birth or death of important persons, killing and captivity sites, disaster areas, and other sites of similar historical significance. These sites are characterised by the humble nature of material components—or even absence of any material components at all— compared to the immaterial value/significance attributed to these sites.As the term place of memory is still new in heritage protection and conservation, it needs to be developed in both its theoretical and practical aspects. It is therefore necessary to coin fundamental terms for the sites in question, formulate principles of conservation-related actions to be taken in these places, and popularise examples of protecting and interpreting places of memory.Forms of conservation actions and the rules governing them should depend on the values of the site, its material features of an asset, its non-material values, and the relationship between these components. These aspects are a part of the conservation theory.Deadline for abstracts – 20 December 2016For more information, please visit:http://australia.icomos.org/wp-content/uploads/2017.-03-Florence-Place-of-Memory-call-for-abstracts.pdf
- 2016-10-21 总部动态
ICOMOS University Forum Workshop on Authenticity and Reconstructions 13 – 15 March 2017ICOMOS and Kyushu University, Japan will jointly convene an international workshop in 2017. The workshop is intended as an opportunity to engage in open and constructive discussion on the subject of the reconstruction of destroyed/damaged cultural heritage.Under the title “A contemporary provocation: reconstructions as tools of future-making”, the venture is a pilot initiative of the ICOMOS University Forum, and will be hosted by ICOMOS in Paris from 13-15 March 2017.Three themes are proposed. Theme 1: From Nara to Nara+20: where is authenticity now? Authenticity has long been the normative framework for discussions about reconstruction. Thirty years after the Venice Charter, the Nara Document recognized the cultural dimension of development. Since then the interrelationship between heritage and society obtained practical significance and intensified in many ways. Today, authenticity is back on the agenda and turns out to be a complex topic of different definitions and perspectives brought to bear on a variety of contemporary reconstructions of the past. This is the context where we should approach authenticity today to ask ourselves “where are we now”? Theme 2: Creating heritage-making futures? It has long been held that the legacy of the past needs to be conserved for the benefit of future generations, as well as for our own. In conserving what we received we have created “heritage”. In this theme we ask about the positive contributions that such heritage can make to the lives of future generations, in the light of the impacts of historical, cultural and natural changes and transformations. How will what we now accept as heritage improve specific futures? Is there a role for reconstructions?Theme 3: Conservation as management Conservation has long been considered as the management of change. A primary change has been in understanding the scope of the legacy. In parallel, the range of stakeholders has extended beyond the traditional conservation disciplines and authorities to encompass disparate social groups and communities, participants in identifying and valorising aspects of the legacy, including its potential reconstructions. We ask what consequences for reconstruction flow from this process of change, from the shift in the social roles, powers and capacities that are brought to bear, including the implications for understanding, resource allocation and knowledge and cultural development.The Workshop ConceptThe Workshop is intended to be an intensive, exploratory experience in which the participants engage in open discussion in a multi-disciplinary environment. Numbers will be small (30-35) in order to encourage the maximum engagement with the perspectives of participants. The language of the Workshop will be English.The Workshop will be constructed as follows:1. Participants will be confirmed on the basis of short abstracts (500 -1000 words), received by the Working Group by 18 November 2016. Abstracts may be submitted either in English or in French. Decisions of acceptance will be made by 10 November 2016.2. The selected abstracts will be circulated to all participants in advance of the workshop.3. Following brief introductory context-setting statements, participants will be assigned to a small group devoted to one of the three themes outlined above. While, in assigning participants to each group, consideration will be given to the choice of theme by the participants, the overriding concern of the organisers will be to ensure that groups are as balanced as possible.4. Groups will be asked to prepare a summary of their discussions for presentation to the workshop at a plenary session.5. Following the workshop, these summaries will be circulated to all participants.6. At this stage, participants will be asked to prepare full papers in English (6000 words) with a view to publication. These papers will generally develop the theme of the participants’ original abstract. However, they must also explicitly reflect on and take into account the discussions that have taken place during the workshop. This requirement is a precondition for publication.7. The papers will be peer-reviewed by the Working Group and considered for academic publication in a printed volume. All peer-approved papers will be published open-access online with permanent availability.Abstracts should bear a title and the name and academic affiliation of the author, and be submitted as a .doc or .docx file to: secretariat@icomos.org with the subject line “ Your last name/ ICOMOS University Forum Workshop on Authenticity and Reconstructions”.Further particulars concerning the arrangements for the workshop will be sent to the authors of accepted Abstracts early in 2017.
- 2016-07-04 总部动态
For more information, please visit: http://www.icomos.org/en/about-icomos/mission-and-vision/icomos-mission/annual-report/7651-icomos-annual-report-2015-now-available
- 2016-05-25 总部动态
Call for Papers2016 Advisory Committee Symposium20 October 2016, Istanbul, TurkeyPOST-DISASTER RECONSTRUCTIONThis year’s symposium addresses the destruction of cultural heritage through natural disasters and armed conflict. The destruction of places of symbolic value has long been a device of war, with societies and civilizations overturned and their artefacts dissipated and destroyed.We are currently witnessing the the deliberate destruction of cultural heritage through armed conflict in many parts of the world.Increasingly we are also witnessing the destruction of heritage places through severe natural disasters that are expected to increase as climate change generates extreme weather events.The theme of POST-DISASTER RECONSTRUCTION is extremely relevant as societies impacted by natural disasters, terrorism and war seek to rebuild themselves and request external assistance. This brings with it many challenges and risks, as well as possible opportunities.ABSTRACT SUBMISSION GUIDELINESAbstracts for papers and posters are expected to be short documents which contain a clear statement of the topic, the research question and examples of clear case studies and good practices.The content of abstracts for submission should include:- Clear objectives- Methodology- Summary of key findings and recommendations- A short outline of historical and contemporary case studies relating to your topic.Abstracts should be submitted in English or French. The text must not exceed 500 words and must be typed according to the template below.Abstracts should be sent by email in both Word and PDF formats to scsymposiumicomos2016@gmail.com by 3 June 2016. Please include the words ‘2016 Scientific Council Symposium’ in the subject line of your email.For more information, please visit: http://www.icomosadcom2016.com/scientific-symposium/
- 2015-11-02 总部动态
2015年ICOMOS顾问委员会、年度大会和科学研讨会于2015年10月26-29日在日本福冈召开。国家文物局副局长、中国古迹遗址保护协会理事长童明康率团参会。会议期间,童明康理事长与各国参会代表进行了广泛交流,特别就支持ICOMOS开展科学研究、2016年在我国召开ICOMOS保护理论和哲学科学委员会年度会议和科学研讨会、参与2016年IUCN年度大会中“文化与自然旅程”论坛、与澳大利亚亚瑟港管理局开展世界遗产地管理经验交流、推动协会科学委员会建设、加强与对口的国际科学委员会交流,以及在国际ICOMOS网站上刊登《中国文物古迹保护准则》(2015年修订)等事宜,与ICOMOS主席、财务总监、秘书长、秘书处及相关代表进行了洽谈,取得了丰硕成果。国际古迹遗址理事会执委、协会双秘书长陆琼参加了ICOMOS执委会和其他会议,并代表协会在地区小组会议上做了2014年度工作报告。协会在过去一年工作的数量和质量得到了亚太地区代表的高度评价。协会新出版的《中国文物古迹保护准则》(2015年修订)和《红河哈尼梯田文化景观可持续发展国际研讨会论文集》泛发给了ICOMOS执委会成员以及国家委员会和国际科学委员会主席,宣传了协会的工作。ICOMOS顾问委员会选举出了新一届班子:20世纪遗产国际科学委员会主席Sheridan Burke当选顾问委员会主席;爱尔兰国家委员会主席Deirdre McDermott当选为副主席;非物质遗产科学委员会主席Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy,法务、管理和经济国际科学委员会秘书长James Reap,韩国国家委员会主席Hea Un Rii和哥斯达黎加国家委员会主席Ofelia Sanou Alfaro当选为顾问委员会官员。年度大会审议通过了2014年度财务报告和2015年度预算。以“遗产地身份面临的危险 – 传统和集体记忆的丧失”为主题的科学研讨会从集体记忆的延续、文化景观的延续和变迁,以及非物质遗产、认同性和变化等方面对如何保护传统和集体记忆进行了研讨。童明康理事长与ICOMOS副主席飞利浦交谈童明康理事长与ICOMOS主席阿罗兹商议资助ICOMOS研究事项童明康理事长与澳大利亚ICOMOS前主席哈里顿探讨中澳世界文化遗产管理经验交流事宜童明康理事长与波兰ICOMOS邦高斯拉夫讨论2016年在我国举办ICOMOS理论科学委员会年会事宜秘书处2015年10月30日
- 2015-06-03 总部动态
国际古迹遗址理事会考古遗址公园第一次国际会议建议2015年2月23-25日阿曼苏丹国.塞拉莱序言:考古遗址公园中有大量的已发掘出土及尚未发掘的文化遗存,如能进行适当地记录和分析,将为游客提供一种理解人类过去的特殊方式。为更好地实现其潜在价值,必须对其进行完好保存。已发掘区域必须由合格的专业人员实施保护,并向公众开放。这样考古遗址公园将成为遗产保护的媒介,同时还承担将相关科学和历史知识传递给公众的任务。有趣的是,考古遗址公园这一术语,既没有出现在《世界遗产公约操作指南》的术语中,也无法在任何国际古迹遗址理事会指引文件、建议规范或宪章中找得到。尽管如此,阿曼乳香之路、印度尼西亚婆罗浮屠、约旦佩特拉古城等许多世界遗产地范围内都建有这类考古遗址公园。为此,参加2015年2月23-25日在阿曼苏丹国塞拉莱召开的国际古迹遗址理事会考古遗址公园第一次国际会议的国际古迹遗址理事会专家及学术机构提出了下述建议:“塞拉莱建议”参考下述文件:联合国教科文组织全体大会(1956年,新德里)制定的《有关考古发掘国际原则的建议》;《国际古迹遗址保护与修复宪章》,即《威尼斯宪章》(1964年,威尼斯);《欧洲考古遗产保护宪章》修订版,即《瓦莱塔条约》(1969年,伦敦;1992年修订于瓦莱塔);《关于采取措施禁止并防止文化财产非法进出口和所有权非法转让的公约》(1970年,联合国教科文组织);《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》(世界遗产公约,1972年,联合国教科文组织);《国际古迹遗址理事会考古遗产保护与管理宪章》(1990年,洛桑);《国际古迹遗址理事会奈良真实性文件》(1994年,奈良);《国际古迹遗址理事会国际文化旅游宪章》(1999年,墨西哥城);《保护水下文化遗产公约》(2001年,联合国教科文组织);《西安宣言—关于古建筑、古遗址和历史区域周边环境的保护》(2005年,西安);《世界遗产公约》操作指南附件3,第85-87页,文化景观,(2008年,联合国教科文组织);《关于世界考古遗址管理中开发利用最佳实践的梅诺卡岛宣言》(2012年,梅诺卡岛)。提出了下述建议:1.“考古遗址公园”这一术语应纳入联合国教科文组织/国际古迹遗址理事会的官方通用术语中,尤其是《世界遗产公约操作指南》中;2.考古遗址公园包括:2.1 包括考古地面在内的考古遗存(地上及地下遗存,可移动及不可移动遗存)。考古遗址公园的面积至少应等同于考古遗存(考古遗址地)的地下面积。2.2 合理设计的景观,可确保对地上及地下考古遗产实施保护,并通过有效的阐释展示给游客。2.3 有效管理的区域,包括可控制的入口和适当的缓冲地带。3. 定义:考古遗址公园将科学研究与公众有机联系起来。考古遗址公园是一个有关遗产资源价值及相关土地范围的限定区域,是面向公众进行遗产阐释、教育及休闲娱乐的潜在资源,必须进行保护和保存。考古遗址公园实施的活动应遵守下述约定:考古发掘:非常重要的一点是,公众应能方便进入考古遗址公园里的发掘区域,为此必须考虑下述参数:确保游客可安全进入发掘区域,确保游客的人身安全(包括儿童及其他有特殊需求的游客),确保游客行为不会损害考古遗存。应修建可通往发掘区域的通道。应依据国际道德标准进行最低限度的发掘,同时易于向公众阐释。如有可能,应采取非破坏性的措施来调查考古遗址。进行发掘和保护工作时,应确保对现场考古遗存进行足够的保护,且易于向公众阐释。另外,应清晰地标示出整个考古环境的外部界限。如有可能,现场应有科学的考古发掘记录文字及相关保护文档。保护:考古遗址公园的保护目标应与所适用的国际标准相一致。必须尊重所展示的、完好保存的历史遗存的真实性及完整性特征,且应有科学的文字记录。严禁开展非科学的重建工作。在考古区域外围开展重建工作是可行的,但前提是必须有明确的界定,进行完好地文字记录,并真实地加以展示。所有情形下的措施都应是可逆的。遗产保存的首要目的是保护那些为现在及未来提供科学研究的原始资料。应考虑将现场可移动物品保留在原地加以保护。如确保能进行有效的保护,博物馆中展列的物品可送回原考古发掘地进行特殊的、限时的展示。可使用三种方式来替换某些原始材料,来实现对游客的教育:原物归位:适用于当一个物件坠落后仍完好保存、可清晰辨认其原来形状和位置的情况。原物归位是非常精细的科学,可使用多种工具(如电脑建模等)来保证其可行性。合并:使用新型材料对历史结构中不牢固的部位或有裂陷的地方进行加固,目的是将该结构恢复至稳固和安全状态。必须明确标示所使用的新型材料。解释性加固:适用于完全可逆、可重新处理、且不会对原有材料造成损害或破坏原始环境的情况。所有新增加的材料都应能清晰地与原材料区别开来。现场管理和保护:有效的考古遗址公园管理应能配备一定的人员、设备设施及相应技术,以便于:保存考古景观内所有自然资源和文化资源的真实性和完整性特性;保护游客的人身财产安全;向游客提供具有教育意义和令人愉悦的良好体验;按照遗址地保护的需求制定相应的考古研究规划,提供相关信息来促进游客的参与,推动遗址地保护;在确定所需资产的基础上设立分区规划及管理机构,负责获取、维持和分配目标1-4中所必需的项目和活动资源。有效的公园管理必须尊重当地环境并与周边社区相联系。总之,必须确认管理的四个领域。在国际、国家及地方层面促进基本利益相关方之间的沟通和合作(如,社区、企业等)。提供人员培训、财政预算及技术服务。对遗产结构、地下遗产、人工遗存等进行研究、监控和保护,保护自然资源。提供紧急医疗服务、搜索和营救、执法机关、游客中心、阐释中心、教育及维修维护等。按照公园的复杂程度设立适当的管理机构。对考古遗址公园的管理必须辐射到公园周边区域,因为周边区域的开发可能对公园内部的文化资源和自然资源造成负面影响。相反,如果公园得到有效管理,周边社区也将成为保护保存行动的有力助手,产生良好的经济及社会效益,促进与公园管理之间的有机联系。如适用,应清晰标示出整个考古环境的界限及缓冲区。尊重视觉上的完整性。遗产的教育意义:知识和信息的有效传递是技术科学与公众信息之间的桥梁,在将考古遗址公园的信息传递给不同观众的过程中起到中心作用。根据1956年《联合国教科文组织新德里建议》中的相关指导方针,应在考古遗址地建立博物馆和阐释中心,以存放遗产地上的可移动遗产。为此应开展有效的、互动参与的可视化(形象化)项目,作为向游客传递说教信息的平台。考古遗址地是主要的历史渊源,可以利用遗址地的外围空间,进行民族考古学试验,或向公众进行形象展示。考古发掘地和公园内也应建立相应的信息系统。如有正式的阐释和游客服务规划,则能更有效地进行说教。景观美化:对考古遗址地进行景观美化的主要目的是保护考古遗存的表面不受破坏,成为科学信息系统的主要来源。无论是部分考古遗存不再进行发掘,或者已发掘的部分将会回填,都应对所裸露出的考古地面进行景观规划,以创造视觉景观或新的观察点。通常来说,可视屋棚是考古景观必不可少的要素,应仔细研究或进行复制,以增加景观的可阐释性,同时不应对考古材料造成破坏或对游客产生误导。导引系统应包含相应的通道,通道上设有必要的导引标识,标明旅程的长短等等。通道还应作为应急道路使用。应在一定间隔内设有保护避难所和休息处。景观美化和精心栽种的植被可为游客提供有用信息。考古遗址公园内种植的植被不应破坏考古环境 (地上及地下环境)。塞拉莱2015年2月25日
- 2015-04-17 总部动态
ICOMOS 科学研讨会年会(日本福冈)征稿截止日期延至4月30日
ICOMOS 科学研讨会年会(日本福冈)征稿截止日期延至4月30日
- 2015-04-11 总部动态
The Raymond Lemaire 国际基金,申请截止日6月1日
The Raymond Lemaire国际基金是ICOMOS的一个资助项目,为年龄在21-30岁的年轻学者或学生提供奖学金,用于参加国际会议或培训课程。奖学金最高为1500欧元,申请截止日期为2015年6月1日。详情见文件RLF_Call_2015_EN_20150407final.pdfICOMOS China秘书处