- 2019-04-17 4·18国际古迹遗址日
明天就是4·18国际古迹遗址日,中国古迹遗址保护协会与你相约清华,各方嘉宾汇聚一堂。想现场聆听各位主讲人的妙语佳言,请来清华大学设计中心(伍舜德楼)二层绿色报告厅,建议您9:15前入场,带好本人身份证。来不了现场?请关注文博在线平台微博,我们将从4月18日9:30开始为您全天现场直播。二维码在本文最后。时间:2019 年4 月18日地点:清华大学设计中心(伍舜德楼)二层绿色报告厅主办:中国古迹遗址保护协会、清华大学建筑学院、清华大学建筑设计研究院特别支持:文博在线平台、古猫文化科技、清源文化遗产、清华同衡遗产保护研究中心、大地风景上午精彩环节:9:30-12:15,全国优秀古迹遗址保护项目推介仪式▪国际古迹遗址理事会主席河野俊行贺词▪清华大学建筑学院院长、清华大学建筑设计研究院院长庄惟敏致辞▪国家文物局副局长、中国古迹遗址保护协会理事长宋新潮致辞▪揭晓全国优秀古迹遗址保护项目名单▪优秀项目宣传片▪专家点评▪优秀项目介绍▪特别推荐项目介绍下午精彩环节:14:00-17:00国际古迹遗址日主题沙龙——多元视野下的乡村景观▪文物学者眼中的乡村景观(国家文物局领导)▪农业学者眼中的乡村景观(戴军——农村农业部农村社会事业促进司副巡视员)▪住建学者眼中的乡村景观(苗喜梅——住房和城乡建设部村镇建设司处长)▪农遗学者眼中的乡村景观(闵庆文——中科院地理资源所资源生态室主任)▪旅游学者眼中的乡村景观(吴必虎——北京大学旅游研究与规划中心主任)▪旅行家眼中的乡村景观(蔡景晖——穷游网总裁)▪新媒体眼中的乡村景观(朱凌——抖音“山里dou是好风光”项目负责人)▪建筑师眼中的乡村景观(邹怡情——北京国文琰文化遗产保护中心所长)
- 2019-04-11 4·18国际古迹遗址日
4·18国际古迹遗址日 ‖ ICOMOS CHINA在清华大学等你
“国际古迹遗址日”又要来啦!今年的4月18日,国际古迹遗址日主场活动在清华大学举办,就让小编来为您介绍一下吧时间:2019 年4 月18日(全天)地点:清华大学设计中心(伍舜德楼)二层绿色报告厅主办方:中国古迹遗址保护协会、清华大学建筑学院• 上午 全国优秀古迹遗址保护项目推介仪式受国家文物局委托,中国古迹遗址保护协会开展全国优秀古迹遗址保护项目推介活动,通过推介活动,评选出优秀且有示范意义的文化遗产保护项目,向社会展示近年来的优秀案例成果。4月18日上午,我们将为大家揭晓今年的优秀项目,并请专业人员为大家介绍项目的经验和思考,以期待促进行业经验交流,引领文物保护行业健康发展。• 下午 国际古迹遗址日主题沙龙——多元视野下的乡村景观为配合将于2019年10月在摩洛哥马拉喀什召开的ICOMOS年度科学研讨会“乡村遗产”的主题,今年的国际古迹遗址日的主题定为“乡村景观”(rural landscapes)。4月18日下午,中国古迹遗址保护协会将举办“多元视野中的乡村景观”沙龙,邀请文物、建筑、农业、旅游、互联网等多个领域的专家学者,向大家讲述他们各自眼中的乡村景观。我们认为,乡村景观,不仅是文化遗产领域的课题,更是涉及多个行业、需要多重视角去共同关照的议题。只有多元的声音、多样的视野,才能给乡村景观一个更加完整的叙事,才能给它的保护和传承更加客观、理性的路径。小贴士:本次活动无需提前预约报名,别忘了携带本人身份证哦~不能亲临现场的朋友们,中国古迹遗址保护协会也为您准备了全程在线直播,直播方式稍后奉上~感谢文博在线平台、古猫文化科技、大地风景等机构为本次活动的大力支持!
- 2019-03-18 4·18国际古迹遗址日
- 2018-05-21 4·18国际古迹遗址日
South China Historical Trail on ICOMOS Day
On the occasion of the International Day for Monuments and Sites (IDMS) on April 18, a series of activities under the theme of “Heritage for Generations” aiming to promote intergenerational transmission and spur public enthusiasm for engaging in the undertaking of heritage protection have taken place. Advocated by the vice-governor of Guangdong Province, Xu Ruisheng, the activities were promoted and co-organized by the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Department of Culture, the Department of Education, the Bureau of Sports, and Tourism Bureau of Guangdong Province, almost simultaneous creating an intense interest in “ancient post roads” across South China.Image: Historical Trail Site of Qin and Han DynastiesWith 233 newly-discovered historical trail sections, Guangdong has taken the lead in protecting and utilizing ancient post roads.On a news conference themed in “Heritage for Generations: The Past and Present of South China Historical Trail” held on the morning of April 17, the term “South China Historical Trail” once again became a keyword in nationwide media covering the protection, revitalization and utilization of historical cultural heritage. According to Long Jiayou, director with the Guangdong Provincial Cultural Heritage Bureau, incomplete statistics have shown that existing sections of ancient roads in Guangdong Province total 233, accounting for 710.44 kilometers in length, of which 135 sections are newly discovered ones.During his visit to Guangdong Province for researching the protection and utilization of South China Historical Trail earlier, Song Xinchao, deputy director of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, spoke highly of Guangdong Province for leading the way in China for protecting ancient post roads. By proactively leveraging the protection of the cultural routes along the South China Historical Trail as a carrier, a broad range of work, including improvement of rural living environment, implementation of precision poverty alleviation and eradication, leisure tourism, sports and fitness, ancient village protection and development, has been organically integrated.In her research tour to Xijing, Meiguan and Heyuan Yuegan Historical Trails between April 11 and April 13, Zhang Jin, member of the International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes (ISCCL) of the ICOMOS and expert (on ancient sites) of State Administration of Cultural Heritage, also fully affirmed the historical values, the experience learned, and the approaches adopted in South China Historical Trail. She said that the techniques applied in protecting, restoring, revitalizing and utilizing these routes might well be popularized and drawn upon across China and even the world. She believed that the achievement proved that regions enjoying rapid economic development could also do well in protecting heritage and architectural relics, which in return facilitated economic development. She said that a common historical memory among the public and communities could be evoked through large numbers of branding activities, leading to greater enthusiasm in the public for engagement. By creating an intense interest in “historical trail”, “traditional culture”, and “historical culture” across the province, the heritage could be brought back to “life”, thereby fulfilling its social value, improving people’s cultural awareness and confidence. Such an accomplishment represented an invaluable exploration to practically approach national heritage routes, provided a great reference value for the protection and utilization of complicated large-scale heritage with regional and linear characteristics, and stood out for its demonstrative implications for the protection of national cultural heritage and the fulfillment of national culture revitalization.Image: The Xijing Historical TrailOn the occasion of the IDMS, the historical trail series activities in April have gained wide public attentions.In 1983, the 22nd session of the General Conference of UNESCO declared the April 18 as the “International Day for Monuments and Sites”. Protecting and utilizing the South China Historical Trail has been a specific practice over the history of cultural heritage protection and transmission in Guangdong. In response to the call of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), a series of enriching activities on historical trail have been rolled out in April under the guidance of ICOMOS China.Image: Press Conference for the 2nd Cultural Creation Contest & Artistic and Learning Tour of South China Historical Trail: the 2nd Children’s Painting CompetitionOn April 15, a seminar on protection, restoration and utilization of South China Historical Trail was co-organized by the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Guangdong Province and the International City/County Management Association (ICMA). In the seminar, the experience gained and practices adopted for protecting the South China Historical Trail aroused intense interests from more than 20 US experts in the field of urban planning, who also provided their invaluable advice and counsel for the cause. On April 16, the press conference for the Artistic and Learning Tour of South China Historical Trail: the 2nd Children’s Painting Competition was held, which was reported and covered by more than 30 media at national, provincial and municipal levels. These activities have led to more than 146000 research results for the keyword “Cultural Creation Contest on South China Historical Trail” and 1440000 for “Artistic and Learning Tour of South China Historical Trail”.Image: “Music from Ancient Times: the Revitalization Project of Ancient Music along South China Historical Trail”At the New ConferenceImage: News Conference for “Heritage for Generations: The Past and Present of South China Historical Trail”On April 17, the Guangdong Administration of Cultural Heritage held a news conference themed in “Heritage for Generations: The Past and Present of South China Historical Trail”, which was covered by more than 20 media such as the Xinhua New Agency, CNR and Nanfang Daily. On April 18, the Lecture of Masters was held by Guangzhou Land Resources and Planning Commission at the exhibition hall of South China Historical Trail located in the Yingyuan Road, attracting more than 100 audience as prominent intellectuals in the field of Lingnan culture shared the past and present stories, as well as the public memories, about the historical trails in Guangzhou. On April 20, an activity themed in “Charm of Guangzhou Trail: Bringing Cultural Activities into Villages” was held in the ancient post road of the Xia Street, Zengcheng District, the Ancient Village of Qiangang, Conghua District, and the Ancient Huangpu Port, which ignited intense engagement and attentions from the public and reported by more than 10 media agencies. The activity has effectively publicized the cultural value and protective concept of South China Historical Trail by exploring a gross root-level governing model for cultural heritage. On April 18, the news conference of “Music from Ancient Times: the Revitalization Project of Ancient Music along South China Historical Trail” was held in Lianma Small Town of Lvtian Town, Conghua District, where more than 1000 participants attended the news conference and the orienting activity of the day. A total of 28 agencies, including TV, newspaper and online media, were invited to interview and cover the activity.Guo Zhuangshi, deputy director of Guangdong Housing and Urban-rural Development Department, said, “by launching a series of contests and activities centering on the theme of “Heritage for Generations” on IDMS, we have encouraged the youth to personally walk towards the South China Historical Trail to perceive its history in a dimensional perspective that encompasses both realistic space and time, so they can better inherit and develop that heritage and ‘creatively transform’ our traditional culture given the endless ingenuity coming from the new generation.”When taking her research tour on protection and utilization of South China Historical Trail, Zhang Jin was surprised by the speed of implementation of the protective measures. In her view, an encouraging accomplishment has been made by focusing on the protection of these historical trails while promoting regional economic development along them. She said, “Guangdong has successfully transformed a ‘hyper realistic ideal’ into reality, marking an important milestone for its initiative to build cultural confidence. With solid measures and concrete efforts in protecting and utilizing the South China Historical Trail, Guangdong has achieved a marvel to ‘achieve prosperity on trail protection’. These trails will work as blood veins to connect the traditional cultures of countless cities and villages across Guangdong. A variety of activities centering on the historical trails have generated huge effects on cultural communication and integration in the province.”
- 2018-04-16 4·18国际古迹遗址日
红楼与青年2018年,国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)将“4·18国际古迹遗址日”的主题确定为“遗产事业 继往开来”(Heritage for Generations),旨在呼吁遗产保护精神代际传承的同时,把目光聚焦在青年一代的身上,强调青年学者在遗产保护中所扮演的角色,并倡导为遗产事业增加更多的活力。今年是中国加入ICOMOS的第25个年头。廿五年间,中国文化遗产事业如朝阳一般蓬勃发展,这其中离不开老一辈学者的辛勤耕耘,更令人欣喜的是,越来越多的业界新秀正冉冉升起。本月初,源流参与承办了中国文物交流中心与北京大学考古文博学院的“北京人文历史景观行走”活动(点此查看活动链接)。4月18日,国际古迹遗址日当天,北京鲁迅博物馆(北京新文化运动纪念馆)携手两家单位,在“行走”地点之一北大红楼,筹备了一场文化遗产领域的先锋对谈,分享不同代际学者的保护理念与实践经验。“红楼飞雪,一时英杰”,正值北京大学120周年校庆将至,就让我们一起重回百年前北大精神的发源地,相约红楼,共话新时代青年的担当。活动信息日期:2018年4月18日(周三)下午2:00-4:30地点:北大红楼(东城区五四大街29号)一层154室形式:主题讲谈· 圆桌沙龙对谈嘉宾李季,特邀对谈嘉宾。1982年毕业于吉林大学历史系,2000-2003年任中国历史博物馆副馆长,2003年任中国国家博物馆副馆长,2003-2013年任故宫博物院常务副院长,现为故宫博物院考古研究所所长、研究馆员、中国考古学会副理事长、中国文物学会副会长、中国艺术研究院博士生导师、北京故宫文物保护基金会理事长。青年学者范佳翎:《中国公共考古学的发展:回顾与反思》2011年至2016年在北京大学考古文博学院攻读文化遗产保护方向博士学位,现为首都师范大学历史学院讲师,主要研究方向包括公共考古学、世界遗产青少年教育、文化遗产保护史等,主持或参与多项国家级科研课题和文化遗产保护项目。王喆:《世界文化遗产的未来》中国文化遗产研究院高级工程师,现为中国文化遗产研究院世界文化遗产中心监测部负责人,研究方向为世界文化遗产保护、管理、监测、展示等,主持或参与杭州西湖文化景观、红河哈尼梯田文化景观等多项世界文化遗产的申报、规划工作。秦素银:《遗址类纪念馆与文化遗产传承——以北京新文化运动纪念馆为例》现为北京鲁迅博物馆(北京新文化运动纪念馆)研究室副主任,副研究馆员。2003年起在北京新文化运动纪念馆工作,研究方向包括展览策划、研究等,合著《北大红楼历史沿革考论》《寻找 发现 还原——胡适速写》等。赵幸:《找回大家的历史街区——东四南历史文化街区规划公众参与和社区营造实践》北京市城市规划设计研究院高级工程师,现为北京历史文化名城保护学术委员会秘书长,西城区历史文化名城保护委员会青年工作者委员会牵头人,史家胡同风貌保护协会秘书长 ,长期在北京开展历史街区保护和名城保护的规划公众参与工作。王思渝:《源流运动——新媒体平台下的遗产传承与创新》北京大学考古文博学院博士候选人,现为“源流运动”创始团队成员,旗下“观展”栏目主编,研究方向包括博物馆展览、文化遗产社区研究,参与/主持《寻找致远舰》《看见桃花源》等多场专题展览的策划,已在相关领域发表十余篇研究论文。主办单位:北京鲁迅博物馆(北京新文化运动纪念馆)中国文物交流中心北京大学考古文博学院承办:北京大学考古文博学院“源流运动”平台北京鲁迅博物馆(北京新文化运动纪念馆)团支部中国文物交流中心团支部北京大学考古文博学院团学联合作媒体:智慧树网出品:源流运动(更多详情请关注“源流运动”公众号)
- 2018-04-16 4·18国际古迹遗址日
Guangdong Upcoming Events: Series of International Council on Monuments and Sites Day in 2018
In 1983, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization decided to make the date April 18th as “International Day for Monuments and Sites” on their 22nd conference. Since 2001, International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) has organized some events each year till now, whose theme is “Heritage for Generations” this year.China has spared no effort on publicizing and organizing events since joined United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in 1993. After 2006, “International Day for Monuments and Sites ” has symposium each year around April 18th by State Administration of Cultural Heritage in China. They held diverse activities in different cities so as to attract the public’s attention to valuable heritage.To implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s directives , “expand and regenerate the plentiful heritage”, Guangdong province started up related work in 2016, which protects and utilizs the South China Historic Trail to make contribution on historical and cultural heritage and enhance self-confidence on culture. The project links over 1,000 points to develop human and nature resources, recurring new treasure of ancient transportation network, expressing the characteristics of distinctive natural geography and culture.Protecting and utilizing South China Historic Trail is a huge project in culture and heritage protection work. In order to respond the call from International Council on Monuments and Sites, we plan to hold events of South China Historic Trail in April, which aims at inheriting the protection of cultural heritage, encouraging the young to participate in learning heritage issues and promoting the public to follow culture and heritage protection.1、Symposium on protection and utilization of South China Historic TrailTheme: Protection, utilization and construction of Ancient Road in GuangdongOrganizer: Guangdong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban&Rural Deveslopment, International City Management Association (ICMA), Guangdong Urban & Rural Planning and Design InstituteDate: April 14th-15thLocation: Hawana Resort Guangzhou, Conghua2、Press Conference: Guangdong ancient road 2nd cultural and creative competition and tour, the 2nd Childrens Painting CompetitionOrganizer: Guangdong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban & Rural Development, Department of Education of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Provincial Department of culture, Guangdong Sports Bureau, Guangdong Provincial Tourism BureauDate: April 16th, Monday, 14:30-16:00p.mLocation: Guangdong Museum3、Press Conference: Succession-past and present of the South China Historic TrailOrganizer: Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Cultural RelicsDate: April 17th, 09:00-11:00a.mLocation: Conference Room, 7/F, Guangdong Provincial Department of Culture, 701, Road East Dongfeng, Guangzhou4、Press Conference: The ancient Chinese phonology-Classical phonology revival project on South China Historic TrailOrganizer: Guangdong Provincial Department of Housing and Urban&Rural ConstructionDate: April 18thLocation: Lianma Town, lvtian, Conghua district, Guangzhou5、Activities: Research by special tutor for Guangdong ancient road Childrens Painting Competition-Qi’ao Ancient RoadDate: April 18thLocation: Qi’ao Ancient Road, Zhongshan6、 “Interest of the Yangcheng”-Activities on Guangzhou Ancient Road Monuments and Sites DateOrganizer: Guangzhou Land Resources and Planning CommissionDate: April 18th-20thActivity One:Interest of the Canton, Time and space lecture hall: space-time transition of Guangdong Ancient RoadDate: April 18th-20thLocation: Exhibition room of South China Historic Trail, Yingyuan RoadInvited experts: Tang Xiwen, Cao Jin, et al.Activity Two:Interest of the Canton, Culture into the village: volunteer work into village and communityDate: April 19th-20thLocation: Line 1: East-Xiajie ancient road, ZengchengLine 2: North-Ganggu Village, Guangyu TempleLine 3: South-Gugang ancient village, Huangpu
- 2018-04-13 4·18国际古迹遗址日
1983年,联合国教科文组织第22届大会决定每年4月18日为“国际古迹遗址日”。从2001年开始,国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)每年都要为4月18日确定一个活动主题,今年的主题是“遗产事业 继往开来”。中国自1993年加入联合国教科文织后,对“国际古迹遗址日”的宣传及举办相关活动也是极为重视,不遗余力。自2006年开始,每年在4月18日前后,国家文物局都会举办国际古迹遗址日遗产保护论坛,各地举行相关系列活动,以唤起大众对某些特定类型、特定价值文化遗产的关注。岐澳古驿道中山段(郑建邦/摄)2016年以来,广东以南粤古驿道保护利用工作为抓手,串联起全省1000多个人文及自然发展节点,重现古代重要交通网络时代新价值,成为展现岭南独特自然地理风貌和文化特色的史诗级文化线路,这是贯彻落实习近平总书记“让陈列在广阔大地上的遗产都活起来”重要指示精神的具体措施,更是保护历史文化遗产,提高文化自信的具体行动。南粤古驿道的保护利用是广东文化遗产保护传承史上的一项伟大创举,为响应国际遗址理事会的号召,推动文化遗产保护的传承,激励全社会特别是青少年参与到遗产事业中,我省将于4月份结合南粤古驿道保护利用工作,开展丰富多彩的遗址日系列活动,进一步提升社会公众对文化遗产的关注。相关系列活动持续更新并跟踪报道中,敬请关注。一、南粤古驿道保护与修复利用研讨会主题:南粤古驿道保护利用建设与实践主办单位:广东省住房和城乡建设厅、广东省城乡规划设计研究院时间:4月14日-15日地点:广州市从化区东方夏湾拿酒店二、中国南粤古驿道第二届文化创意大赛暨艺道游学·中国南粤古驿道第二届少儿绘画大赛新闻发布会主办单位:广东省住房和城乡建设厅、广东省教育厅、广东省文化厅、广东省体育局、广东省旅游局时间:2017年4月16日周一下午14:30-16:00地点:广东省博物馆三、“代际传承——南粤古驿道的前世今生”新闻发布会主办单位:广东省文物局时间:4月17日上午9:00-11:30地点:广州市东风东路701号广东省文化厅7楼会议室四、古音峥嵘 ——中国南粤古驿道古曲复活工程新闻发布会主办单位:广东省住房和城乡建设厅时间:4月18日地点:广州市从化区吕田镇莲麻小镇五、《艺道游学·中国南粤古驿道少儿绘画大赛》特聘导师团系列采风活动之岐澳古道时间:4月18日地点:珠海市岐澳古道六、“羊城驿趣”广州古驿道文化遗产日活动主办单位:广州市国规委时间:4月18日-20日活动一:羊城驿趣·时空讲堂——南粤古驿道时空变迁大师讲堂时间:4 月 18 日地点:应元路南粤古驿道展厅邀请专家:陈春生、陈泽泓、朱雪梅等活动二:羊城驿趣·文化入村——羊城驿道志愿者入村入社区共同缔造时间:4 月 19-20 日地点:1.东—增城夏街古驿道;2.北—从化钱岗古村、广裕祠;3.南—黄埔古港古村;
- 2018-04-10 4·18国际古迹遗址日
1983年,联合国教科文组织第22届大会决定每年的4月18日为“国际古迹遗址日”。国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)每年确定一个活动主题,并在世界范围内号召会员国开展相关活动,向公众宣传文化遗产保护的意义,扩大社会影响。2018年,为推动遗产保护的代际传承,激励更多年轻人参与到遗产事业当中,实现保护理念、精神、经验的代际共享,ICOMOS将国际古迹遗址日的主题确定为“遗产事业 继往开来”(Heritage for Generations)。结合这一主题,中国古迹遗址保护协会和中国文化遗产研究院中国世界文化遗产中心将于本周日(4月15日)在北京共同主办“2018国际古迹遗址日主题活动---遗产故事会”,邀请青年遗产工作者,分享自己工作中的故事和经历。主讲嘉宾尚晋题目:革命人永远是年轻(中国文物交流中心综合处项目助理)在清华大学建筑学院,许多投身建筑史的老前辈身上闪烁着一种宝贵的精神。这种精神不仅支撑着他们在极为艰难的条件下开拓了中国建筑史的基业,更鼓舞着青年一代在新时期、以新理念、用新技术,不断在中国遗产事业的广阔天地中创新。奚牧凉题目:“两代人”的文化遗产(北京大学考古文博学院公众考古方向硕士,公众考古新媒体“挖啥呢”创办人)从“50”后到“00后”……或许现在全世界,都罕见中国这般深邃的代际鸿沟了。两代人,以不同的眼光看待世界,也以迥异的心态对待遗产。这里,是他们的一些令人不禁又令人深思的故事……张柔然题目:遗产意义 — 从规划管理到人类学视角(南开大学旅游与服务学院讲师)讲述人大学本科和研究生期间从事6年多风景园林专业学习,并有参与遗产规划管理项目经验。博士期间开始从人类学的视角研究世界遗产。讲述人的故事分享将从个人求学和实践经历探索从规划管理到人类学视角对遗产意义理解的异同。潘曦题目:常识与误识——关于乡村与乡土建筑的地方性知识(北京交通大学建筑与艺术学院副教授、硕士生导师)立足于自我之立场看世界、将自身之认知投射到他者上本是人之常情。然而在乡村与乡土建筑的调查中,报告人学习到了诸多不同于既有认知的地方性知识,籍由“主位”与“客位”的转换,“常识”与“误识”之别也仅在一线之间。杜凡丁题目:遗产保护是有可能成功的事业(北京国文琰文化遗产保护中心有限公司综合三所副所长)青年遗产保护工作者的职业理想常常会在残酷的现实面前碰得头破血流,特别是遗产保护规划,往往是“纸上画画,墙上挂挂,不如领导一句话”,令人倍感幻灭。本人十分幸运在刚毕业不久就参与了一个突破常规并侥幸得到了实施的遗产保护规划的编制,为后来职业生涯提供了极大的精神动力。在这里分享一下这段经历,希望青年同行坚定信心——遗产保护是一项很有可能取得成功的事业。郑颖题目:漫游在天津——从行走开始 从书写开始(天津大学建筑学院副教授,天津大学中国文化遗产保护国际研究中心副主任)城市行走是了解文化遗产的最直接、最重要手段。我们面向公众出版科普类口袋书,宣传以漫游城市的轻松方式接近城市遗产,用眼睛与身体真实的感受遗产的魅力。探索新时代文化遗产保护的新路径。会议信息时间:2018年4月15日(周日)下午2:00-4:00地点:智珠寺大殿主办单位:中国古迹遗址保护协会、中国文化遗产研究院中国世界文化遗产中心支持单位:C太太客厅、Temple 东景缘主持人:燕海鸣(中国古迹遗址保护协会秘书处主任、中国文化遗产研究院副研究员)报名方式本活动免费,由于座位有限,请扫描下方二维码登记报名,先报先得哦!~想了解更多来自全球的“4·18”精彩活动预告,请点击阅读全文。https://www.icomos.org/en/focus/18-april-international-day-for-monuments-and-sites/events2013
- 2018-03-30 4·18国际古迹遗址日
嘿,来抓住这些老地方的春天吧1983年,联合国教科文组织第22届大会决定每年的4月18日为“国际古迹遗址日”。2018年,国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)将国际古迹遗址日的主题确定为“遗产事业 继往开来”(Heritage for Generations)。值“国际古迹遗址日”到来之际,中国文物交流中心与北京大学考古文博学院为推动遗产保护的代际传承,激励更多的人参与到文化遗产事业当中,实现保护理念、精神、经验的共享,赋予本年度国际古迹遗址日更多凿实的内涵,共同推出“北京城市历史文化景观行走”活动。如今的北京城市,满是岁月与未来的交错铁路穿过正阳门元大都城垣挨挤着十号线五塔寺对望动物园每天清晨洗漱时看窗外北大的燕南园也正换着百廿的新装......这些浸润故事的老地方像阅尽人间后折起眼角皱纹藏着笑的大叔把欣慰的眼光送往后起高楼在东升西去、车水马龙的光影中待有人再提袖轻轻叩问它的真心遗产无法开口但却沉默地承载着文化要理解它们必须亲身去行走,亲眼去观察,亲手去触摸春日正好,春风正浓“北京城市人文历史景观行走”将在四月启幕我们选取近三十处遗址、建筑和博物馆邀你在两周的时间内打卡其中八处定格你或感动或喜欢的镜头抓住春天、抓住时光的味道带着行走的感悟分享给更多的人邀你在两周的时间内打卡其中八处定格你或感动或喜欢的镜头抓住春天、抓住时光的味道带着行走的感悟分享给更多的人指定遗址点名单为鼓励更多的人参与到遗址的保护、研究和管理中来,本次行走活动特设奖励若干:一等奖:1组,奖金1000元二等奖:3组,奖金600元三等奖:5组,奖金400元(最终解释权归主办方所有,更多活动的详细信息,敬请关注“考古团学”微信公众号)海报:朱文羽图片: 周 瑞部分图片来自网络