Call for Papers -- The 6th International Architectural Paint Research Conference
Dates: March 15-‐17, 2017
Location: Columbia University, New York, NY
Language: English
Deadline: February 15, 2016
Powers of Ten: Expanding the APR Toolbox
Like the Charles and Ray Eames 1977 short film, Powers of Ten, Architectural Paint Research (APR) deals with magnitudes of scale, from a single pigment particle, to a painted house, to the decorative tastes of an entire region. In the spirit of the film, the 2017 APR conference aims to take a closer look at how we carry out our research at every level, from the micro to the macroscopic.
The 6th International Architectural Paint Research Conference organizing committee is sending out a call for papers and posters for its next meeting in New York City, March 15-‐17, 2017. Submissions are invited from APR specialists and advanced students, as well as members of related disciplines including art conservators, preservation architects, decorative painters, heritage managers and materials scientists.
For more information, please visit: http://www.apr2017.org/
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