
2016-04-08 浏览量:

Structural engineering experts in strengthening and repair of structures need to have a comprehensive knowledge over a set of issues: the materials used (masonry, adobe, timber, steel, concrete and others); the geometric properties of the structures; the available surveying techniques for determining the physical and mechanical properties of the materials; the behaviour of the structural elements and the types of validated strengthening and repair techniques available for the different types of constructions.The advances in structural expertise, over the last years, have revealed a substantial appeal from the intervenients and their roles in the construction industry and the appearance of new materials and construction techniques. Recent construction market forecasts show a considerable growth in the investment on the strengthening and repair activity (EuroConstruct Statistics).

CINPAR 2016 international conference is an opportunity for the participants to acquire knowledge on new materials, techniques and construction technologies, and to exchange personal experiences on strengthening and repair of structures.

Deadline for abstract submission: April 30, 2016

For additional information, please visit the conference website at: www.fe.up.pt/cinpar


