
2016-11-04 浏览量:

7th International ISPRS/CIPA Workshop on “3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures”
1-3 March 2017
Nafplio, Greece

Abstract submission deadline: 20 November 2016

The 7th ISPRS/CIPA 3D-ARCH international workshop on “3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures” will be held in Nafplio (Greece) on 1-3 March 2017. Nafplio is an heritage seaport village in the Peloponnesus peninsula, approx 2hrs south-west of Athens.

The 2017 edition will focus on the steps and processes for smart 3D reconstruction, modelling, accessing and understanding of virtual environments from multiple data sources.
Topics include:

  • Multi-source data and multi-sensors approaches
  • Low-cost sensors and open-source algorithms for terrestrial 3D modeling
  • Automation in data registration
  • Image matching and 3D reconstruction
  • Point cloud analysis
  • 4D modelling
  • Procedural modeling and BIM
  • Accuracy requirement and assessment in 3D reconstructions
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality applied to the visualization and conservation of complex architectures and heritage

The event will have single-track technical sessions with oral presentations, poster sessions and demos.

For more information, please visit: http://www.3d-arch.org/



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