MILITAGE Norway 2017
ICOFORT International Conference on Military Heritage from the 20th Century
4-7 September 2017
Northern Norway
ICOFORT, the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Fortifications and Military Heritage, organizes each year a meeting in collaboration with the local committee in the housing country. In 2017 the meeting will take place in Northern Norway, a region with a rich history in fortifications and military heritage especially from World War II occupation, Cold War period and traces of fifty years with military exercises by NATO forces. The theme of the conference MILITAGE 2017 will be «Military Heritage from the 20th Century».
Northern Norway is known for dramatic scenery with mountains, fjords and arctic light. While attending the conference the participants will experience the landscape and become aware at the strategic military role this region has played – and still do – in a global perspective.
The theme of the conference covers a broad range of topics/areas, including identification of values, conservation issues, management and ownership and challenges in reuse of military objects, case studies and guidelines.
ICOFORT invites papers for MILITAGE Norway 2017.
The extended deadline for the submission of abstracts is 30 January 2017.
For more information, please visit:http://www.militage2017.icofort.org/#!section=16014691&cat=0
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