Along with the international community, ICOM and ICOMOS jointly express their concerns regarding the decision by the Turkish authorities to reverse the status of Hagia Sophia from a museum to a mosque, and the repercussions this may have in terms of the conservation and accessibility of this outstanding artistic and cultural heritage.
Since 1934, Hagia Sophia has been a museum, a decision motivated as a symbolic gesture to openly present to the public the spectacular multi-layered cultural richness of this monument. The Turkish people and tourists from all over the world have since then had the opportunity to visit this architectural masterpiece and contemplate its stunning works of art of the Byzantine and Ottoman periods, an intercultural exchange inscribed in the museum’s DNA.
The importance of this shared heritage was strengthened with the inscription of the monument on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985, and the commitments this entails for Turkey as a State Party. It recognizes Hagia Sophia’s role as an irreplaceable testimony of a multicultural past and the continuing dialogue between cultures – a monument that has stood the test of time for the benefit of the present and future generations. ICOM and ICOMOS share the opinion that conservation and accessibility must continue to be at the heart of the management of Hagia Sophia, regardless of its future function and jurisdiction.
While functioning as a museum, Hagia Sophia also served as a place for education and research, benefiting from the exchange of knowledge between curators, scholars and specialists. The continuous discussions gathering Turkish and international experts certainly enrich the understanding of the monument and support the conservation efforts to mitigate the effects of time on the structure. The discussions among experts must also continue especially to ensure the future care of Hagia Sophia in every aspect of its preservation.
For these reasons, ICOM and ICOMOS, and their respective committees which have already ex-pressed their sadness to see this symbolic monument losing its museum status, concur with the statements made by partner organizations such as UNESCO as well as the academic community.
- 2025-02-06 总部动态
近日,ICOMOS上线 PUBLICOMOS平台。该平台是一个整合了印刷版和数字版文化遗产文献的综合性协作平台。PUBLICOMOS平台的使用语言为英语、法语和西班牙语,平台收录的文件超过50种语言,并包含自1965年成立以来ICOMOS出版物的综合目录。PUBLICOMOS的设计旨在为ICOMOS会员和遗产爱好者提供直观的浏览体验。平台目前收录了15,000种参考文献,涵盖200多个国家和地区经同行评审的文化遗产稿件,包括:2900 全书3900 书籍章节3800
- 2025-01-07 协会动态
发言总结 | 中国古迹遗址保护协会2024年会员大会系列主题边会
2024年12月21日,中国古迹遗址保护协会(ICOMOS China)2024年度会员大会在江西景德镇召开,会议期间,由协会秘书处、协会历史城镇村专业委员会、考古遗产管理专业委员会和文化遗产管理研究专业委员会分别召集的“守护价值——世界文化遗产监测和影响评估”、“历史城镇村的创新传承”和“遗产地管理新思路:应对挑战与跨界赋能插话会”三场主题边会顺利举行。一、“守护价值——世界文化遗产监测和影响评估”边会 “守护价值——
- 2024-12-22 协会动态
2024年12月21日,中国古迹遗址保护协会(ICOMOS China)2024年度会员大会在江西景德镇召开。本次大会由协会和景德镇市人民政府共同主办,景德镇市文化广电旅游局和景德镇市申报世界文化遗产工作专班办公室承办,景德镇陶文旅集团协办。协会理事长宋新潮做了大会主旨报告,景德镇市委副书记、代市长陈克龙,江西省文化和旅游厅副厅长、省文物局局长丁新权参加开幕式并致辞。协会副理事长娄玮、张杰、凌明参会,副理事长兼秘书长、